Twenty Eight

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Today, Mena and I were talking on the phone with a wedding planner. We scheduled some meetings for next week.

It was pretty early in the morning, around
8:00 am. I was getting Aaliyah ready for he play date. I brushed her hair as she played with action figures. I but a cute floral dress in her with sandals and then dropped her off.

When I got home, Mena was standing at the doorway looking out at me. Before I got out the car, he came into the car with me.

"What are you doing?"

"I was thinking of redesigning Aaliyah room now that she's older. Wanna go shopping for the products?"

"Sure babe"

It took us about 10 minutes to get to the store. We decided to separate. I looked at Paine while we looks at carpet. When we were both fine we decided to meet in wallpaper isle. 

I looked through the beautiful paints. I searched through at all the samples of paint an it was very difficult to choose. I picked out a beautiful lavender color and brought it back to where we were supposed to meet.

I didn't see him there so I looked in the carpet section. Before I arrived, I could hear his laugh. I went into the isle to see what was happening.

He was leaning on some girl as they both started laughing about something. They were sitting on a bench that was in the isle. He put his hand on her thigh and he fell into his chest.

I sense of jealousy washed over me and I dropped the paint and stormed out the isle. Maybe I'm over exaggerating but something really hurt seeing that happen. He seemed so much happier then he has been with me. Maybe he got bored of me. Wait. Why am I over thinking again!! I try to calm down as I'm lost in my thoughts.

I see Mena coming towards me as he holds this girl's hand leading her my way.

"Hey Nay what's wrong?"

"Nothing" I say going on my phone

"Who is this" the girl said in a high voice

"She's... my friend" Mena said glaring at me

Did he just??? Did he just call me a "friend"? Oh hell nah.

"Excuse me... friend" I say tapping his shoulder


"Mena... you got in twisted babes. I'm not sure if I'm your friend if we're engage and have a child together." I say getting very mad

"Oh so she's that type of person. Yuck!" The girl said.

"That's it I'm leaving... have fun with your new girl. Bye "friend" I say.

The girl started laughing and grabbing on to Mena who stood there was a confused/ mad face.

"Move bitch" I say pushing my way through.

I got in my car and drive back home. After s couple of minutes  just laying in the couch in complete sadness, Mena walked in.

"Babe what was that all about"

"Don't fuck with me Mena. You know why I'm hurt"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to say friend. She told me she worked at the store so i was just talking to her."

"That's not just talking Mena" I say starting to stand up. Mena reaches for me but I dodged his hand.

"Uh no... do not touch me after it was on the crusty dusty thigh"

"Your jealous..."

"No. I'm mad at you thats all"

"Nooo you definitely jealous and you won't admit it" he said pulling me back

"I'm not the jealous type. Now leave me alone"

Mena grabbed my waist and viscously turned me around.

"Mami your sexy when your jealous... and trust me I know how to make you jealous"

"So you did that all just to-"

"Not all of it... but most of it" he said smirking

"I hate you" I say trying to get out of his strong grip

"You love me" He said pressing his lips against mine and pinning me against the wall. He sucked on my sweet spot and kissed me passionately. You know what  that lead to...

Later that Night, Mena, Aaliyah and I read stories and played games together. It was really fun. After this long day, we all crashed it on the couch together.


A/N: different kind of chapter!! I hope y'all enjoyed and liked it!! Thank you all so much for the love and support<3

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