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We had a break day today. Guy told us that this is our last break day for a while so to make the best of it. We were in Beautiful London. My hometown.

During the day, Mena and I explored and went out for brunch and dinner! It was amazing. He was so fantasized with the place. He's big sparkling eyes were lost in a trance. He loved it.

Currently, it was nighttime. We were back at the hotel. Mena and Will were sitting on the bed, watching some weird Tv show that they found very interesting. Nasim was in her hotel room sleeping. I wasn't really into whatever this show is that there watching, so I decided to get some air.

The streets of London are beautiful. Breathing in the air felt so nice and relaxing. I seen some child. They looked lost and they were crying terribly.

"Hi babes, are you alright?" I say crouching down to reach her level.

"M-my mama, i can't find her" she said in a light voice while sniffing.

"Ok, we're gonna find you mama ok? It's okay babes. Here, take my hand" I say looking around. I was gonna take her to the police but suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I seen a lady, she looked very furious about something. She pushed me really hard that I fell into some poster bored out on the sidewalk.

"Are you tryna kidnap my kid" the lady said snatching the kid away from me and throwing her own the ground.

"No, she said she couldn't find you so I offered to help. And please don't throw a kid on the ground." I say standing up and helping the kid up.

"Touch my kid again and I'll chop that hand off of yours!, Chole, get into the car, NOW! " the woman yelled

"Chop my hand off, wow... real mature thing to say, huh?" I say tryna keep my cool.

"I started to walk back towards the hotel but the lady grabbed my hair and punched me. Twice in the eye, twice in the nose, and once in the lip. My nose was already rushing blood along with my busted lip. She start dragging me to the ground but I kicked where the sun don't shine. She feel back and I kicked her in the stomach. I start running back to the hotel before she got up to start a bigger fight. I wanted to do so much more to her but I had to stay calm.

"RUN AWAY BITCH RUN! ME AND MY HUSBAND ARE AFTER YOU!!! I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE" the lady screamed loud and I could here her from the distance.

I ran into Mena's room. Will wasn't in there anymore and Mena was in the bathroom. I was pissed. More then pissed and this crazy lady.
I went into the bathroom.

"NAOMI..." Mena said/ yelled in a worried tone. "WHAT HAPPENED!?"

I fell into his arms. I head my head was hurting so bad after hitting the ground that hard. I explained everything to him. We sat in the bed as he put Ice on my lip and head. Luckily, I didn't have a black eye and my nose stopped bleeding. My lip was busted though.


"Yes baby?"

"I'm scared for that child... she was so innocent and she just threw her on the ground. Her mother seemed so mean and abusive." I say starting to cry for this child.

"Hey... Nay. Shhh it's alright... you did the best you could. All you were doing was being a great, amazing person. The police know about it. I'm sure they will find her. Don't stress about it babe"

"Ok... i love you"

"I love you, too"

I decided I was gonna take a shower. Sometimes, showers really help calm me down. I had the hot water on and the steam around me felt so soothing. I heard the bathroom door open and seen a figure walking towards me. It was for sure Mena.

He opened the shower door and got in her with me.

"I just wanna get some stress of you chest..." he said softly into my ear.

He pulled my by my waist and start kissing me. I think you know  what else happened.....


Later that night, I was trying to sleep in my hotel room but I just couldn't. I slowing walked into Mena's room and locked the door behind me. I climbed into his bed and cuddled with him.

He didn't wake up, but he pulled me closer and kissed my cheek. I then almost instantly fell asleep in his arms.


A/N: hope y'all enjoyed!! Kind of a different chapter! Let me know what you guys think

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