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*couple months past by*


Aaliyah and I were playing in the corner with her toys as Naomi was out buying groceries. Tonight be were having a cookout.  Will, Nasim, and Guy we're coming over.

"Ooook baby jts time to get you changed. Ready baby? Let's go" as say as she smiles

I picked her up and changed her into a cute little wonsie and I put a hair band with a bow in her hair. I snapped a quick picture and sent it to Nay.

When Naomi came back. She put the groceries down and kissed me and Aaliyah on the forehead.

"How's my baby doing today" she said while unloading groceries.

"Say good mama" i say while outing her down to play with her toys. Aaliyah just squealed.

I went over and grabbed Naomi by the waist and kissed her from behind as she was chopping vegetables.

"Baby take a break..." i whisper into her ear.

"I can't, Will will be here any minute to start cooking in the grill. I have to get this done"

"Don't stress, love. What about tonight... you, Nasim, Will and I, we can all hang out and Guy can watch Aaliyah."

"Guy has his own kids to take care of. Besides, Aaliyah wants to be her Mommy"

"Babe, you know he loves her. C'mon, think about it please"

She took a moment before responding. "If Guy is okay with that then fine, otherwise no"

"I love you princess"

I turned my playlist on. A cute slow song came on and I made her but down her knife.

"Menaaa, I have to finish. She said reaching and trying to get out of my grasp. I held into tight and starting humming and dancing with her. Are eyes locked and are foreheads met while we moved around the kitchen.

" So I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you" I sing to her

"And I'm gonna hold you, like I'm saying goodbye" she sung back

"Wherever we standing, I won't take you for granted, cuz we'll never know when, when we'll run out of time" we both sing together

"Okay stop it stop it you to lovies" i hear Will say.

I turned around and see Will holding Aaliyah and laughing at us.

"Oh shut up Will" Nay says laughing and going back to finding chopping the vegetables.

Shortly after, everyone arrived and Will finished cooking.

We all eat down together and ate. We were talking about funny crazy and weird things. We are family so we just do this type of things.

After dinner, I asked guy if he could watch Aaliyah for the night and that I pick her up in the morning.

Of course he agreed, I packed all her things and  wrote a list down for her feeding and time she should go to bed.

"Goodbye Aaliyah Daddy love you" I say while kissing her in the forehead"

"I love you to baby" Nay says while squeezing her cheeks and then kissing them.

After they left, The four of us spread out in the living room.

"Soooo let's play some games... first, never have I ever" Will said

We all but our Five fingers up. If we did something's that was named, we put a finger down, last person with finger up wins.

"Ok I'll go first" Nasim said. "Never have I ever: failed a class

"Haven't we all" I say and we all put down one finger. "I didn't have to repeat though" I say again and we all laugh.

"Never have I ever: had a bad hangover" Nasim asked

Will and I put our another one of our fingers down

"I've had a hangover but not a bad one" Naomi said and Nasim agreed.

"Never have I ever toilet papered someone's house" Naomi asked

"I definitely did" Will said as he put a finger down, as well as Naomi and I.

We kept playing until we decided to watch Aladdin, the live action one. After that we watched Night school, then During elf, which I have no idea was on, we all feel asleep.

Tonight was really fun. Naomi and I needed a break. I just wished tomorrow, Naomi and I could spend some time together... alone.


A/N: have y'all ever played never have I ever. One time I played and my friend asked if someone ever hooked up with someone and it caused a huge fight🤭!! Also... do you think the song " Like I'm gonna lose you" by John Legend and Meghan Trainor?? Hope yall enjoyed!!! <3

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