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It was the middle of the night. I was peaceful sleeping until I heard the sound of someone getting sick. I immediately got up and ran into the bathroom.

"Naomi?... Nay!"

I ran to her and pulled her hair back. I she sat up and fell onto me. I wiped her mouth and then wiped her tears of with my hand. I got her a drink of water.

"Baby are you ok?"

"Yes I'm fine... I'm just sick" she said sniffing and holding her stomach.

I sat her up and carried her to bed.

"Here. Put the trash can next to you."

I wrap her up in her blanket as she started to doze off. Suddenly I heard Aaliyah screaming crying.

I ran to her and picked her up. She was getting sick to. When she was done throwing up, i washed her up and held her until she fell asleep.


The next morning, Naomi and Aaliyah both didn't wake up until later in the evening.

"Hey baby I'm sorry I slept in today I'm just really sick." Naomi says laying down on the couch.

"It's ok let me take care of you"

"Is Aaliyah sick to?"


I grabbed tissues and I made Aaliyah blow her nose. Then I passed it to Nay. I could see they both were cold so I grabbed a blanket and wrapped them up.

I could see Naomi smiling at me but it was interrupted with a cough. I was giving Aaliyah her medicine that she's takes like a big girl. When I was younger I hated taking liquid medicine.

I seen Naomi getting up and I ran over to her.

"Woah woah where are you trying to go?" I say stopping her and sitting her back down.

"I'm just getting something to eat" she says trying to get up again

"Nay your sick. It's cute how eager you are to do something but really, I got this. Both of my baby's are sick let me take care of them."


"No buts... I got this love, just sit. Please" she sat down and she laid her head down on the pillow.

I went into the kitchen and started making soup. When it was done, I set up a tray and gave her. I gave Aaliyah some food too.

"Thank you Meens! I really love you... and it smell delicious"

"I love you to baby"

"I got behind her and started to cuddle her. I knew just how to make her feel better. I put on the TV and we all watched movies together.

Later on, I just got done putting Aaliyah to sleep. I felt so bad she was so sick.

I ran a warm bath for Naomi and set out candles around it. I threw her favorite lavender bath boom in there and carried her up the steps.

I started to unclothe her and placed her in to the bathtub. She held my hand and I kissed hers before starting to wash her up.

"Mena, you go so out. Your the kindest person ever"

"Anything for you, babes"

"I know just who's gonna take care of me when I'm old and can't walk" she said smirking

"I don't know about that... I think you'll have to be taking care of me first" I say and we both start to laugh.

I grabbed her her favorite cozy pajamas as she was drying off and doing all that other stuff.

I carried her to the room and sat her at her vanity. I brushed her hair and threw it up into a cute bun. She looked at me through the mirror. Her eyes started to tear.

"What wrong baby?" I say wiping off her tears.

"Nothing I- your just so amazing. I'm so lucky. You deserve the world"

"You are my world."

She put her head on my shoulder and I carried her into bed. I got in the shower and then I met her back in the bedroom.

I ran downstairs and grabbed some things.

I climbed in bed with her and kissed her forehead.

"So to make you feel better, I got you your favorite candy and chocolate covered strawberries. Here's a teddy bear and then I have my lab top. "

"Awww omg Mena"

I turned on Netflix as she ate her candy and I ate my vegan m&m's.

She fell asleep on my shoulder. When the movie was over, I turned off my lab top and I grabbed all the candy and put it away.

I climbed back in bed with her and kissed her forehead once more

"Goodnight baby"


A/N: hey guyssss!!! I hope y'all like this chapter ♡! I was inspired by Masiely1220 to write this chapter! Go show some love💛

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