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That one faithful night...

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Tonight is a very special night not only because it's the anniversary of our management company but it's also a masquerade one where you wouldn't know who is who except for some. Nervous is not enough to describe what I'm feeling right now—terrified. Yup, terrified is the right word. I'm freaking terrified that I'll screw this one up. What if I turned down a dance from an important producer of the company and she got so offended that the next day, I wouldn't have a job anymore?

"Chill, bro. This is your very first company anniversary and trust me, everything's going to be fun and all you have to do is enjoy yourself."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes to my friend slash senior Nine. He is not as nerve-wrecked as I am now because in just a year, he got used to this experience and he has P'Joong by his side.

I'm older than him and we've been colleagues since college. We both took up theater arts and both got in the same management company as new trainee actors. It just happened that I had to refer to him as my senior because he debuted first in a BL drama series that took Thailand by storm. It is a very successful series that he and P'Joong are already filming for the second season.

Speaking of P'Joong, here he is. 

Now I couldn't help but to really roll my eyes at the love team. It's too obvious how P'Nine loves the attention that P'Joong brings. The camera flashes are directed to us again.

"Ready for your first party, Ai'Dome? By the way, congrats on your upcoming first ever series." P'Joong is already grinning as he takes P'Nine's hand to cling to his arm. "I must say in advance though that I'll have to take Nine away for the rest of the night."

That made me chuckle. "He's all yours."

Our little chitchat got cut-off when our managers told us that the party is about to start.

P'Nine grins playfully. "Masks on, gentlemen. Ai'Dome is about to have the best night of his life."

* * * * * * * * * *

The last thing I could remember was that a lady producer asked me to dance with her. I knew she was a producer because of her voice. She's one of the producers of my upcoming series and we've talked a couple of times before.

I lost count of how many glasses of wine, martini, and those other alcoholic drinks I had that people offered me. Damn my dumb self for forgetting how to say 'no' whenever I'm this nervous.

Those are the things in my mind—the lady producer and the drinks—until I realized what's happening. 

I'm not in the party hall anymore. I'm inside this dim room... moaning and actually begging for more.

Damn it.

Someone is fucking inside my ass, I'm in all fucking fours, I'm fucking enjoying it, and I'm fucking begging for it—begging for whoever this person to fuck me more.


"You sure you can handle me deeper?" A teasing, masculine voice says. 

I groan hard that made him chuckle.

I want him to stop. I want us to stop but damn it. Damn it. Damn. Fucking hell. My body is a fucking traitor and a fucking submissive to him. Shit. I don't even know who he is.

He grips on my waist tightly and rests his body on mine. He's burning hot and with his breath tickling my nape, my Goosebumps are on high alert. I don't know where to concentrate anymore—on his hot body or on his hard dick deliciously carving itself deeper in my ass. One's thing for sure, I'm so close to coming.


"You feel so damn good." He whispers after making me yelp when he bit my ear. "So fucking tight."

He continued on thrusting, slowly this time, deeper than the last. He's hitting a spot that is making me moan even louder. He reaches for my dick and gave me few strokes...

"A-Ahhh fuck..."

"That's it. Moan for me."

I did. I kept moaning and begging and leaning in more to him—to his touch and to his dick. Fuck indeed.

We both came and before I lost consciousness, I'm sure he said something about remembering this date.

Remember August 14, 2016.

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