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The festival starts at sunset and everyone decided to enjoy the hours before the main events on their individual plans before meeting again on one spot to enjoy the night together. Dome is not exactly sure where the others might have gone to but one thing's for sure--he's with Pavel.

"I've only went here one time and I was with my mom." Pavel said, smiling. "I still didn't have my siblings then and I thought I could easily get lost in here because it was also my first time seeing a lot of people. I was amazed."

Dome almost forgot how wealthy this man is and how hard it might be for him to enjoy the simplicity of life especially during childhood. At first, he thought the struggles of wealthy people are just exaggerated on dramas or telenovelas but Pavel wasn't the first rich person he met and he kind of had the glimpse of how hard it was really for them.

He can appreciate that little happiness of Pavel just by telling his story.

"How about you?"

He smiles, remembering his moments too. "I was younger too when I had my last festival with my family. But during this season then, my mom would prefer to just hang out outside our house. She'll do the cooking and my dad and I would prepare those little sparklers fireworks."

It would be a simple event but he surely enjoyed everything. But life got busier and his parents are more on the travelling aspects of their lives now and are having the nth honeymoon somewhere around the world. Travelling was his mom's greatest dreams but he was conceived earlier than his parents would have expected it. He's happy for them that they still got to live their dreams.

Dome thought it would be awkward because of his stiffness and intimidation to Pavel but surprisingly, he was more comfortable tonight and he really is enjoying himself with their shared stories and moment.

They were watching the boats' lanterns to get lit one by one when the running kids bumped Dome. He was so close to falling in the water and was even expecting a big splash when he realized that Pavel is holding him and he's almost squeezed on his chest.

Being this close, almost face to face, with Pavel gave him again that great view of his piercing eyes and distractingly cute moles on his cheeks. Even his hair was unruly enough to loosely cover his eyes with its tips.

Pavel was grinning. "No falling anywhere else."

Dome pushes away from Pavel and clears his throat; he should really see a doctor because his heart is beating way too fast again. "T-Thank you."

They continued on walking. Pavel is in front of him because it was crowded and they really couldn't walk side by side. Dome has been thinking about this one particular thing to do in this situation--

"I'll hold on your hand." Pavel said and takes his hand to hold it then chuckles. "So, you wouldn't get lost."

Pavel hands felt warmer than his or maybe he is nervous and it makes his palms cold. He kept on repeating his mantra tonight which is for his to heart to calm down. He never experienced this kind of heart-beating-wildly-like-this scenario. The only thing he can think of that involves his heart being like this is when he's full of adrenaline.

They stopped walking again to watch the ladies light up the different flower lanterns. This event reminds him of Loy Krathong because it involves lots of lanterns, too, to pay respect to their goddess of water. This festival now is the last day of the Thai-Lao observance of Vassa and involves illuminated boat processions which is the main event but people are still lighting up different lanterns, too. There are Buddhists and the volunteers lighting the lanterns one by one.

"Dome, thank you for letting me come with you guys."

He couldn't help but to smile widely with that. Technically, he was the who asked him to come and the group just decided to all come together. "It was your idea, you know."

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