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Manager Earth

2:41 PM - August 28, 2019


Ai'Dome, are you sure this isn't something important?

I can't get a hold of the list you've asked me for

So technically, I can't really help you


What do you mean, P'Earth?

This isn't something too important but it would have been nice to have them


Sorry, I really can't help you

The higher ups are more strict than usual and it's making me think a lot

They aren't usually like this but they are now

Even Ai'Ben is wondering why now and not the other fan meetings who had more scandalous scenes


4:53 PM - August 28, 2019

Unknown Number:

Any leads on finding me? 5555


It would've been easier if you didn't delete that picture you know

That's an unfair move

Unknown Number:

I told you, I'll just help you find me


Well you're not helping now

Unknown Number:


Too grumpy

Okay to be fair, because you're insisting that what I did was unfair, I'll help you find me again


Is this another scam?

Unknown Number:

55555 no silly

I'll be at the club where Actor Joong is heading tonight


You know P'Joong???

Unknown Number:

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