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Dome is quite nervous for tonight but seeing their managers Earth and Ben’s reaction with their finish outcome, he knows the night would be perfect.

“The food is ready.” Nine announces, making everything ready.

He knows it is Valentine’s night tonight and his friends have their own plans but when he finally told them what he plans for Pavel, they all insisted that they would help him. He even had a video call with his mom because she knows what he’s up to and wants to make sure everything would be perfect, too. He’s actually overwhelmed because everyone is really supportive of his official first Valentine’s date.

Joong pats his shoulder. “Make sure to enjoy the night, Ai’Dome! Susuna!”

“Thank you everyone na.”

Ben gives him a pat on the head, too. “We’re all happy for you. I’m sure you’re P’Earth would cry again.”

Nine grins. “He’s already tearing up.

“I am not!”

After his friends keep teasing his poor manager, they all said their byes for tonight since it would be their time to date. He thanked them all again and the last thing he should do now is to actually wait for Pavel to come home. According to Pan, Pavel is wrapping up the emergency meeting they had.

Initially, they planned on staying at Pavel’s mansion—where some of the times they really do stay there—but it was a little inconvenient for Dome since he has to be in the city proper most of the times for work. So, they are now staying at Pavel’s penthouse here in the city.

Being in the penthouse has lots of its benefits especially almost owning the rooftop of the building… where he is currently at right now because this is the perfect spot for what he planned for tonight. He just hopes Pavel would like all they prepared.

His phone rings and it’s Pavel. He couldn’t hide his smile anymore and adrenaline is circulating all over him. He’s damn excited for this.

“Hello, P’Pa.”

“I just came home. Where are you? You’re not here in the house, right?”

Dome tries not to laugh. “In the kitchen, P.”


Pavel might have seen his first surprise because of the silence on the other line for a few seconds. He really couldn’t help but to laugh now when he hears how happy Pavel with his first little surprise.

 He really couldn’t help but to laugh now when he hears how happy Pavel with his first little surprise

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“Damn… Dome… I-I’m speechless…”

“Read the instructions there, you big baby.”

Pavel laughs. “Go to the rooftop. If you’re there right now, ready your lips because I’m going to kiss you so many times your lips would hurt.”

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