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11:33 PM - August 30, 2019


You don't love her, do you?

Unknown Number:


How do you say so?

Was it that too obvious?


No, it's just the way you explained it all

It seemed more like you're explaining what happened and not because you want her to forgive and take you back

It was more like you only want to clear things up, clear everything to her that whatever happened was beyond your control and with no means wanted that to happen

But it already did and that's not something you take back anymore

Unknown Number:

I do love her

As a friend

Even though what we have is already something I can't reset and just go back to where we started

I love her

More than I care to tell her

She's my bestfriend, my sister


If she's that important to you, why lead her on? Why say yes to the relationship she offered in the first place?

Unknown Number:

I knew from the very start that we were better off as friends, we were better to just have the platonic relationship we had

But she insisted we try

And she's way too important to me than she will ever know, I didn't want to lead her on but what I didn't want more was to show her I didn't want to give it a chance



You lead her on

Unknown Number:

I did, didn't I? 55555


And you literally just let them ruin you to her, let them make those stories that caused your relationship


Holy shit

Unknown Number:

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