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“Can’t I make you come with me?”

Dome rolls his eyes and laughs to himself.

Pavel is in the bathroom getting ready for work and it has become a daily scenario for them especially whenever he doesn’t have work during mornings. Ever since their “office make-out” session happened on which where they also almost got caught, Pavel keeps on asking him to come to the office with him.

Of course, he always wants to agree with his persuasive boyfriend but he’s doing his best to keep his self-control. Especially that he knows perfectly what would happen if gave in. This time, Pan could actually catch them—not only making out but actually doing the did already.

“You know you can make me come with you but no please. Don’t persuade me any further because I have lines to memorize.”

Which is not just an excuse but an actual fact. Fixing his eyeglasses on his eyes, he continues on reading the script for his commercial shoot tonight.

It still feels like a dream for Dome—living with Pavel and actually waking up every morning by his side. He’s trying to get used to it but no one can blame him he still can’t. Loving a Pavel is too much for his heart, imagine actually living with the guy.

Pavel, only in his black slacks, come out of the bathroom.

Is it a crime if every morning he takes his time appreciating his boyfriend’s body? He’s like a teenage girl blushing whenever he sees Pavel’s body but who wouldn’t be? He has the body that would really make anyone stare. But he will never say it out loud. He’s sure Pavel knows already how much he appreciates his physique but he would give him the satisfaction.

Just like their morning routine…

Dome removes his glasses and places down the script he’s holding to help Pavel get dressed. It became a thing for them where he would button up his white crisp shirt and do his necktie… which is very hard especially when his boyfriend is grinning like the bad boy and trying to kiss him every five seconds.

He playfully smacks Pavel’s lips when he is done with his necktie. “Stop kissing me and go to work already.”

Of course, not listening to him, Pavel pulls him to kiss him properly. He tried so hard to hold onto him because he didn’t want to rumple his shirt.

“Hmmm…” Pavel kisses him one last time. “Can’t I really persuade you?”

He pushes him away and flicks his forehead. “Take care on your way to work and eat your lunch. I have a fitting this afternoon so I can’t come with you, and please, stop trying to change my mind because I’m at my wit’s end.”

Pavel laughs and throws his hands in surrender. “Okay, I’ll behave now. Call me after your work?”

“I will. See you later.”

Watching Pavel leave the room, Dome continues to read and memorize his script.

* * * * * * * * * *

“So, congratulations!”

Dome looks at his P’Nine with confusion because he doesn’t know why he is suddenly congratulating him. “Congrats on…?”

Joong grins and pats his shoulder. “When are you ever going to be on time with the news?”

They’re almost done with their perfume commercial and he hasn’t heard anything new. Well, except for his make-up artists’ grins… Oh. That’s it. He missed it again. Something is definitely up and new and he’s the only one who doesn’t know again.

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