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Dome is not sure whether it’s Pavel’s way of tenderly kissing him or the way his hands caresses every bit of him in a very gentle way. He doesn’t know what it is but their night turned emotional for him. It wasn’t just sex anymore nor a simple of letting out of their lust and need to and of each other—if this wasn’t love making, Dome doesn’t know anymore.

“Does it hurt?” Pavel asks for the nth time.

He chuckles but then bit his lip because a groan naturally came out. “You’ve been asking that a lot of time now—I told you, I’m okay.”

Was this even a normal conversation during the act? Maybe, maybe not but Pavel continues on to worship his body with that same playful grin on his face. He kisses him again and thrusts deeper but even slower this time. He felt full—satisfying-to-the-core kind of full. He feels deliciously getting sore and all he could do is wrap his legs on his waist and hold onto him for more. He kisses him back with the same passion, trying to tell Pavel how much he wants this too and how he really feels back to him. He wants Pavel so much it actually hurts not finding the words to express it.

He never thought such intensity of emotions and rush to express feelings could be felt in this slow and very intimate moment of their night.

“Oh f-fuck…”

Pavel grips tighter on his waist and gets onto thrusting deeper as if the last ones weren’t deep enough—he was already hitting a spot in him that is making his toes curl. Damn it.

“Dome…” Pavel even groans to himself, lost into the pleasure like him.

If this the way of Pavel’s marking him? He already marked his soul as his.

* * * * * * * * * *

There are a lot of things that happened last night but Dome is sure it has to be one of the best nights of his life yet—and it’s all because of Pavel.

His boyfriend. Now that’s something he has to be used to because Pavel is now really his boyfriend.

Speaking of which, he’s not sure for how long he has been staring at the guy’s face but he has been staring at it since he woke up. He woke up first and he could testify that it could feel unreal—feel amazing—just by seeing someone you love on your side. Not just by his side but whose arms are also clinging onto him tightly.

“I don’t know if you love looking at me or you’re contemplating how to leave my side.”

That made him laugh. “You’re awake!”

Pavel opens his eyes and kisses him. “Good morning.”

He jokingly slapped his lips. “Let’s toothbrush first, can we?”

There it is again. His abnormal heart beating just because Pavel is laughing like the happiest kid before even snuggling tighter onto him. He wanted to ask if Pavel can feel his heart going wild but instead, he went on to simple patting his head and then playing with his hair.

What’s with both of them being too clingy this morning?

“Where do you want to eat?”

“Anywhere but please let’s shower first.”

Pavel chuckles before pulling him out the bed. Well, they are showering now like what he insisted and he’s not saying no to it.

* * * * * * * * * *

After their slow love making, Pavel couldn’t help but to stare at Dome’s sleeping face. He looks tired but happy and that makes him a lot more times happier. Damn, it still feels like a dream having him with him like this but Dome was right—he just has to accept that this dream-like scene is his reality. Dome is really with him. Dome was already marked by him both literally and figuratively. His possessive damn self is very satisfied seeing his love marks on his Dome shoulders.

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