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Dome is practically blind without his glasses and with the tiny fact that he removed his contacts hours ago knowing how he wanted to get drunk tonight--he's blind as of the moment but, thankfully, after the two-week straight with these people, he doesn't need glasses or contacts to figure out who is who. This is a closed party for the staff and artists for a job well done commercial project so he didn't have to worry about getting into trouble with unknown people.

Except for which, that particular person who owns the number still labeled "Unknown" even after all those weeks of having casual conversations--mostly with him trying to convince the guy tell him who he is.

He knew he would be here, too. His P'Joong and P'Nine have been hinting it and he wasn't that dumb not to catch all of it.

He was sure he would be here but he wouldn't know that really.

According to that guy, they had been face to face a couple of times now but unfortunately for him, he really can't tell or remember that. Having too many male fans is as much of a struggle as having as many of fangirls especially when he's particularly looking for a guy he had never seen before. Except for that guy's half-covered faces in pictures.

Damn that guy, really. He hadn't been with his sanity and peace of mind because of him. He invaded too much of his thoughts more than he cares to admit.

Not a single person--human being, for that matter--has ever taken his attention like that.

"Ai'Dome, sure you can take another shot?" Asks one of his co-actors.

He simply nodded and drank the alcohol to its last drop. They cheered for him because of that.

He never considered parties to be fun and Nine would always argue with him about joining them to clubs. He never liked the hype, the alcohol, the loud music... He never did but what are the odds. He's quite enjoying himself now. 

Until the alcohol started to kick in real hard.

Achievement unlocked, he's drunk.

He's drunk but he clearly knows he's been calling 'Unknown' seven times in a row now. When his eighth one ended and all he got was voice machine's auto respond, he stopped himself for making the ninth call. He doesn't even know to himself what he would say when he answers. 

More shots in and he completely lost the ability to count further.

Joong and Nine left maybe an hour ago and so did their managers Ben and Earth. Why did they left him all alone? It is the first time, too, so he doesn't exactly know why. Maybe so he could experience getting drunk in a club for once without someone to help him. But no, not hhappening

He was ready to ask for help to just anyone when he receives a text he's been waiting for.

"Pick me up?" He laughs to himself. "As if you could."

He didn't know what's gotten into him. After challenging the guy to really pick him up, he had the guts to tell him how Nine told him about the flirtations.

"I am and I'm picking you up."

Damn him. What's with that answer? Was that guy really telling him that he was flirting with him?

"Ai'Dome, want me to help you?"

He doesn't know where he needed help to but this woman with half of her boobs showing out of her dress is already clinging onto him. He's sure this is his co-artist's leading lady.


"You can let go now, Ai'Melanie."

Dome swears to all the gods there are, he heard that before. Long way before. That same masculine voice.

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