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It’s been a year and a lot have happened, but Dome could summarize everything in one word—bliss.

After all of those antics his own father and boyfriend has pulled off, he was certain and relieved that it was really the end of it. No more extra dramas and no more proving anything; just pure happiness with their families. He’s happy that Pavel made sure of that, and so did their moms.

It actually took him a while to fully understand and let go of what his father made Pavel do and all is really well now. They are back to how they are before and even though his father doesn’t want to make it obvious, he’s very hands-on, too, on planning and arranging the biggest event of his life yet…

He’s really getting married to his first and last love.

“So, Actor Dome, thank you for entertaining our invitation. First off, congratulations on your again very successful project with Actor Nine…”

Dome almost forgot that he is in a studio filming for this interview. He got really distracted with his what his mom has sent him which was a photo of his dad choosing for flowers.

He flashes his killer smile. “It’s my pleasure to be here today and, of course, thank you for your continuous support for our local movies. Actually, it’s been long overdue that P’Nine and I make a movie together as leading villains. It’s been fun creating something new with him.”

After more pleasantries and questions about their movie, they finally reached the part of the interview where he is already being asked about personal questions. He didn’t want to seem so happy and “lovey-dovey” as Nine would always tease him about, but he really is and he can’t hide it.

“I’m very much happy with my life right now.”

The interviewer grins and he kinda had the idea what would be the next question is.

“We can all see it in your eyes, Actor Dome, you’re really radiating happiness!” She chuckles. “We can’t really avoid this question anymore because I know I’m not only one excited for this…”

Even the staff cheers.

“It isn’t a secret anymore that your fans are already speculating and even making “theories” about this. So, Actor Dome… are you getting married soon?”

That made him smile really wide and then laugh. Everyone is really looking all curious and anticipating and it entertains him a lot.

Yes, it really isn’t a secret about his fans “having ideas” about him getting married or being engaged because it trended on social media platforms and even himself joined the “theories” by reading them. It was overwhelming even though he’s been literally engaged for a year now.

He grins and gives everyone his ever showbiz shrug as if saying “I don’t know”. That earned him a lot of disappointing cries from the staffs and that made him laugh more.

“Aww… Is that really all were getting from you, Actor Dome?”

“Maybe more soon.” He winks.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Goodness, boss, I’m so sure right now that you didn’t get anything that I just told you!”

“W-What is it?”


Pavel laughs and scratches his nape. He finally lets go of his phone and readies himself to really listen to Pan. “Okay, I’m really listening right now to the best assistant there is in the world and also the prettiest.”

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