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Dome has just literally proved it to himself that he never really liked anyone before let alone know how to deal with confessions. Now he understands his P’Nine’s snide remarks when it comes to these topics, or his P’Joong’s joke about him being asexual, or his P’Earth and P’Ben’s side comments about dating. He finally realized that these types of things are certainly too much for him.

Thinking about it, now he also understands why his co-actresses has been telling him that he’s too cold-hearted or too work-oriented or too insensitive or even all of the above.

Damn. All this time, people around him has been telling him things and all he did was ignore it because he never actually understood their points.

Then here came Pavel.

Damn again really. Saying that that guy has messed up his life is not enough.

He was never interested in anyone the way he is with Pavel. That guy just shook the world he has for his own and in all honesty, he was the only that caught his attention enough for him to realize everything. He realized how he doesn’t know what do when someone confesses because for the first time in forever, he wanted to do something and not just let it be.

“Ai’Dome, the director is calling for you.”

He simple nodded and went ahead to continue his work.

For his project today, he was set to be an extra villain for a drama series. The next scene was a mature scene where his character will be forcing the lead actress to kiss him and he will rip her clothes off. It was nothing new to him because he had done a villain role before but he was still nervous.

He breathes deeply. You can do this.

“Ready? Action!”

The lead actress started fighting back on his grip and delivered her lines smoothly. It was his turn and he didn’t realize that he did an improvising to the scene where he pushed the lead actress on the bed before ripping her clothes off. When the director went to cut the scene, that was when he only got what was the sudden hype about.

His lead actress pats his shoulder after putting the robe on. “Nice one as always, P’Dome. I was surprised but it was really good.”

“S-Sorry.” He scratched his nape.

One last scene for today and they’re done. He went to his make-up artists and he was bombarded with their cheers for what he unconsciously did.

“Goodness, P’Dome, if you ever have your own girlfriend shit! She’s be the luckiest! You’re so hot!”

“Shit! That’s so true! Everyone is already wanting to be your girl and oh! Before I forgot, P’Dome, there are rumors circulating that the management would finally try you on BL!”

It wasn’t something new to the industry where most actors would start or still go with the Boys’ Love genre of drama projects but that would be new to him because he was never considered for that genre. He can still remember when he got so curious why not anyone would offer him a role for that and asked his Manager Earth about it. The only answer he got was that the higher ups preferred him with women.

Him? On BL? Shit. Why does thinking about it made him think about Pavel instead? Damn that guy just making his way in his line of thoughts like that.

The last scene they had to shoot for today was where his character would die by gunshots and by the end of it, he was covered with fake blood.

Another day of work finished and all he can think of was to get home and rest. Or so he thought.

“P, someone is looking for you outside.”

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