4.8K 180 2

Manager Earth

4:25 PM - August 23, 2019


I'll fetch you, 6 PM sharp

This is your movie's premiere night, congrats Ai'Dome!



55555 see you, P


8:01 PM - August 23, 2019


Why can't you just tell me who you are?

Unknown Number:

Always straight to the point are we lol


Who are you?

It's unfair that you know me and I still don't know you

Unknown Number:

Curiosity is such a bitch, isn't she? 55555

And it's not unfair at all 5555, I just have the resources and the right people to know you immediately

Besides, I have to know whom I sent my soul to, right?


Lol you didn't send your soul to anyone at all

Just a couple of drunk messages and hundred of missed calls

Unknown Number:

Lol that's the kindest way to put what happened in this convo

Still it's embarrassing to the core

But okay, since you put it that way I'll tell you something


Tell me who you are

Unknown Number:

Nah 5555

But I can assure you this

Even if I tell you who I am, you still don't know who I am 5555


That's bullshit

Unknown Number:

It is bullshit but still true 55555

We may closely co-exist in this small world but still not the way you're thinking


Telling me who you are wouldn't kill you

Unknown Number:

Persistent, are we? 55555


Name drop already

Unknown Number:

Dome Woranart 



Unknown Number:

Nice name 😉

11:11 PM - August 23, 2019

Unknown Number:

It was a nice movie 

I enjoyed it 55555

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