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[“Ahmm… hello, this is Pavel.” *chuckles* “I don’t really know what I’m doing right now but I really want to document this because it’s something very mind-blowing for me.” *scratches nape* “It’s kinda embarrassing but it really made me happy and I want to keep this forever. So here it goes. I’m going to tell you first what happened the moment I wake up…”]

Pavel don’t usually wake up before or even earlier than Dome. Dome has to wake up first then after five minutes, his boyfriend will wake him up. Most of the time, Dome cooks for them, but if there isn’t enough time, they have his helpers to cook for them. In special moments, he would actually cook for them. That should be there usual schedule of what should happen every morning, but today must be a special day. Pavel wakes up before Dome. But instead if immediately cooking for them, he went onto staring his boyfriend.

Dome is good-looking on screen and what’s more if you see him this close like Pavel? The actor is even more angelic than he already is. Soft skin, pinkish kissable lips, messy hair… so insanely humane yet simply gorgeous. Damn. This is Pavel’s boyfriend. This man is his.

He wanted to run his fingers on his cheek but debated on doing it. He didn’t want to wake Dome just yet because he wants to keep staring at him at this.

But his staring time was cut short when Dome slowly stretches out and is about to wake up.

Pavel doesn’t know why but he closes his eyes again and pretended to be still asleep. What for? He doesn’t really know to himself.

He feels Dome sitting down and by the soft bed creaks, he must be already stretching. He wanted to just open his eyes and greet his boyfriend a good morning but he suddenly got curious to what Dome does whenever he wakes up first. Technically, he wouldn’t see it but…

He suddenly feels Dome’s warm palm against his cheek. It settled there for a while and he could picture Dome staring at him. The he feels Dome’s fingers tracing his eyebrows, down to his nose, down to his lips. It was a thumb that brushes his lower lip. He even heard Dome’s soft chuckle. Does Dome do this every morning?

“Mine, P’Pa, Mine.”

Then he feels Dome’s soft, warm lips against his. Dome left after it and then he hears the water running in their bathroom.

[“I know it’s so simple but, trust me, when you love the person so much like I do with Ai’Dome?” *blushes but then laughs it off* “Every little detail count, and if Ai’Dome does that every morning when he wakes up… I wouldn’t even think about saying ‘no’ to it.” *laughs the tries to hide his red face* “Now, I know why I’m so crazy in love with that man—my man. He sets claim on me every morning, that’s why. Not only that. Also, one time during our breakfast…”]

It’s one of the rare opportunities that Pavel is cooking their breakfast. He doesn’t have anything urgent in the office and Dome was tired from last night’s… filming. He wanted to say they made love night but who is he kidding? Dome wanted to but he insisted that he should just rest for the night. Damn, of course, he wouldn’t turn down sex but that’s what happens when you really think about the welfare of your boyfriend first. It’s been three days since their last but Dome should really use the time at night to rest because of his hectic filming schedule.

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