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This has to be the most unusual thing Pavel has ever wanted in his life—tease a man he barely knew and he wanted it badly to say the least. A man. Tease a man. Damn that sound so weird but so good in his own ears whenever he imagines the face of the man he’s about to tease.

His fucker of a friend still has to pay for giving someone else’s number when he practically begged for Katt’s. But with the things turning out now? He would actually thank him for purposely giving the wrong number and he doesn’t mind at all that it’s a man’s number for that matter.

Now that brings him back to what actually happened before having this urge to know this the man who have invaded his thoughts.

He loved Katt. There was no question with that. She has been one of the most important women in his life and he loves her dearly—just not the way she wanted. When she said she wanted to try and put their relationship in a whole different level, he couldn’t say no to her. That’s an asshole move, yes, because he knows from the very start that what they’ll have won’t last forever. He didn’t love her that way and he could say it all over and over again and he’s the biggest asshole for that.

What they had was pretty normal than what they already had except for those physical demands Katt wanted. No, he didn’t mean the sex itself but more on the physical touches that he never pictured doing with Katt. She was almost her sister. To say the least, what they had was awkward for him but his love and respect for her never went away. She’s still his friend and sister Katt.

A good thing in their relationship was that she was an actress and being an actress has tolls on their times together. He’s not saying he didn’t want to be with her because he still wanted her company but he didn’t to feel as awkward as regularly. Yup, an asshole.

That’s why nobody can blame why he did what he did.

Pavel knew how those damns of the managers they call themselves plotted against their relationship. To be honest, he didn’t see anything wrong with their relationship despite not wanting it. Katt is still the same actress she is—dedicated, hardworking, and very humble. But then he got their point of wanting them to break up. The public might not know who he is because Katt never went publicly with his identity as her boyfriend but the public indeed know that she has a non-showbiz boyfriend. They want back the ability to “link” Katt to showbiz personalities for publicity and promotional purposes for her upcoming projects.

It was the quickest escape he has. Damn his assholeness, if there was even a word like that. He thought of himself first. Selfish asshole.

Despite knowing all of those, he let them. He let them do whatever they wanted and that was the biggest mistake he had done in his life.

Those damn people plotted the most cliché plot for them to break up—that he cheated on Katt.

Fuck. He knew it was the fucking first thing that could cause a break up but those fuckers had the decency to put up a whole story of him having affairs from the very beginning. Affairs. Not only an affair but multiple affairs. They even had pictures that look-liked stolen shots of him with those women! There comes the biggest take he did—letting it all happen despite knowing the only thing Katt has made him promise was… never cheat.

It was too late when he knew what they really did. He was in Taiwan to finish the business he needed to accomplish and he booked the first flight back to Thailand when news got to him. Katt already hated him to the soul and he couldn’t do anything anymore because he couldn’t her anymore nor even see her personally. She was even with fucker that they both hated!

There comes the begging for her number game and all along, he was annoying the hell of someone else. When he came to realize that? He knew he just sold himself to that person for the mere fact that he embarrassed himself way, way too much. It wasn’t easy finding who the real owner of that number. At first, he planned to go on with his asshole move of demanding to know what the hell that person didn’t tell him the first place that he was contacting a wrong number. But when he knew it was a man and very interesting man for that matter? He knew he had to do something more differently.

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