Special Chapter II

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“Tsk. I told you stop being naughty or I’ll cut your chin.”

Pavel chuckles and holds his hand up in surrender. “Okay, okay. I’ll behave… for now.”

It’s a Friday night again and this means shave day for him. It became a thing for them, especially for Dome, to clean him up and that’s exactly why he should behave now and stop grabbing his husband’s ass because he is already starting to shave him. Yeah, he should really behave now but it didn’t stop all his naughty thoughts of what he is going to do with this handsome man later.

Almost a year later from their wedding did not change much of everything but only for simple details like this weekly routine that they are having. Dome is learning to cook new dishes with him and he is trying his best to learn how to do chores particularly the laundry. He has been listening to Dome about the importance of knowing this type of things especially that he been used to having someone to help him AKA his maids back in his mansion.

Dome is still one of the sought-out actors alongside the couple Joong and Nine. Many offers for him to act with Dome again are still coming to his office until this day but he refuses and give everyone the reason that he doesn’t need to act anymore especially that they are married now. He just became more supportive for his husband and for him, that’s enough.

“There you go.”

“Hey, babe, I love you.”

Dome’s hand froze from wiping his face dry then laughs. “I know. You say that at the most random of moments. I love you too.”

He pulls his husband to him and kisses him the way he has been wanting to. No more excuses for him not to be naughty. Dome kisses him back as intensely as he does, holding onto his nape. Lost in the sensation of their lips, he didn’t even notice that he already had Dome pushed against the cold marble counter of their bathroom.

When they broke their kiss, both of them are already panting and catching their breaths.

“I want you.” Dome utters, confidently looking at him.

“Already yours, love.”

The urgency of their actions and not getting enough of each other led them under the shower where Dome is already moaning his name as he sucks him properly and making him cum. It wasn’t near enough and he is not going to slow down. Making his husband turn around, he took his time preparing him.

“Ugh fuck! Pavel!”

Grinning in satisfaction with Dome’s second release, he stands up and plants small kisses on his husband’s back as he pins their hands together against the floor.

“Moan for me, Dome.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dome couldn’t remember how many times Pavel took him to heaven but all he can say now is that he is beyond satisfied. How can he not when after all their sexy time, Pavel is now cuddling him? Ah, yes, his own tame version of heaven—but it wouldn’t be as tame as he wants to because he is about to break their peaceful evening.

Breathing deeply, he finally asks. “Love, what do you think about having a baby?”

His heart starts hammering inside him and it feels like it will break his ribs soon enough. Especially now that Pavel turned very quiet even though he perfectly knows that he is still awake.

A year has already passed and he didn’t want it to be more later than this time.

He has always wanted to have a kid on their own, a kid that would complete their lives together. He has always been dreaming of a mini Pavel in their house soon…

He thought that Pavel, for a moment, would disagree and hate him for what he just said. But what happened was the complete opposite—Pavel is suddenly tearing up!

“H-Hey babe… Please don’t cry…”

“You—You just make me the happiest man on Earth all over again, Dome.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Eight years later…

“Papa, aren’t you mad that Daddy Pavel is not here for your weekly shaving session?”

Dome smile at their little kid’s question and carries him to kiss his cheek. “I’m sad that your dad was not able to come home for our weekly session, kiddo, but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to be mad. It just happened that he is needed at the company longer than we expected.”

“Can I be mad at him though, papa?” Zeon pouts. “He made you wait and then P’Pan kidnapped him again and he let him do it.”

Now, that really made him laugh but told Zeon that there was no need for that and went ahead to put him into bed.

He is still couldn’t believe that this little man is turning eight this year and aside from growing fast, he is also learning fast. Just like right now when he offered to be mad on his behalf. Not only that, with each day passing by, Zeon is looking more and more like Pavel and he is always in awe for it.

He could still remember the day that he asked Pavel for Zeon and it was one of the most cherished moments that he has with him. He has been wanting a family and not only that Pavel was a good husband, he was the best dad there is and there is nothing more he can ask for.

When Zeon finally falls asleep, he went to their living room to wait for Pavel since he is not sleepy yet.

“Hi, love.”

Dome turns around and sees Pavel holding a box of yet another sweets for Zeon. He stands up to give his husband a kiss and a pinch on the side.


“That’s for buying more sweets, babe. I told you Zeon—”

Pavel chuckles and pulls him for a quick kiss. “It’s not for our Zeon, babe. It’s for Akio. Zeon asked me to buy this for him for tomorrow since it’s Akio’s recital.” He smiles and sighs happily. “I’m really glad they are friends, babe. Akio is an unconsciously good influence to our Zeon since our little kid seems to always want to impress him with good grades.”

That made him chuckle. “Well, they really are good for each other since they couldn’t spend the day without boasting with their daily achievements.”

Pavel places his things aside first before kissing Dome properly again just because he wanted to do it. Dome slaps his husband’s chest because of his silliness.

“Sorry I missed our session.”

“No need to be sorry, love. Just come to bed with me.”

“Now? Like right now? Are you sleepy already?”

He laughs and shakes his head. “I want you, Pavel. Come make love to me.”

Pavel is immediately red from hearing those bold words from him—that was enough to make him laugh again.

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