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Seven years later…

“Come on, dad! Teacher said we should be there before eight in the morning! It’s already eight!”

Pavel laughs with his little one’s scolding at him. He fixes his seatbelt and messes his hair. “Alright, alright, kiddo. You should’ve woken up earlier if you know you need to be earlier today.”

His son pouts. “Papa Dome isn’t here and I didn’t wake up early again because he’s not here. I miss him, dad.”

“I miss your papa, too, kiddo. But three more days to go before we could see again.”

He wanted to take Zeon by his motorcycle but, of course, as per his husband’s strict opposition to that idea, he can’t use any of his motorcycles as long as their little one is involved. Dome made sure to set their rules strictly the moment they decided they wanted to have a child.

It’s been seven years since they got married and nothing has changed except for the family’s additional bundle of joy which is Zeon—their first kiddo of the family. Zeon is an IVF baby. In Vitro Fertilization. The process was not easy specially that they needed a series of meeting with potential egg donors and, of course, their surrogate. They didn’t want the egg donor and the surrogate mother to be the same person for various of reasons and to their luck and with the help of Science, they have Zeon now who just turned six years old last month.

Fortunately, they arrived just in time for their preparation.


Zeon’s kinder teacher smiles warmly. “Oh, hello there, Zeon. Right on time! You good go to Teacher Megan so she could give you your costume.”

Pavel watches his son and all he could think about right now is how time flies so fast. Next year, Zeon will be on first grade and before they know, he would already be a high schooler and their little baby anymore.

“You could take your seat with the other parents, Mr. Pavel.”

The teacher points out the corner where the moms are and that made him chuckle. When is he ever going to get used to the fact that he would be the moms every event like this? “Thank you, teacher.”

“Oh, here comes the hottest daddy in the room.”

“We should really bring our husbands here, too, so they would be gay for Mr. Pavel, too.”

“Damn, right they should fanboy over our favorite couple!”

Pavel really laughs with the comments of his co-parents in here. “Well, good morning to all of you, too, wonderful moms.”

They usually talk about the happenings in the school and all Pavel could do is listen. Sometimes the moms would give him tips about how to handle a child’s tantrums and mood swings and, in all honesty, that helped him a lot with their little one. Exactly just like him when he was little, Zeon is quite of handful to handle but he loves him more for it.

“Oh goodness! You didn’t tell us we’d be seeing our favorite couple today!”

He almost didn’t understand what they moms were suddenly talking about but when he turns around and saw Dome…

“Hello, ladies. How’s my husband doing with babysitting?” Dome teasing greets everyone.

The mom laughs but Pavel was still star-struck seeing Dome right.


Dome hugs him and gives him a kiss on the cheek. The moms are, of course, fangirling to their heart’s content. “I wouldn’t miss our baby boy’s first show, you know. I missed you both.”

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