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"Oh you're no fun at all, Pavel!" Baifern disappointingly rolls her eyes at Pavel. "Just this once and I'll never ever be a pain in your ass again."

Pavel chuckles and grins. "You're being a pain in my ass right now."

"That's exactly why you should do what I'm asking you so I'll never be a pain in your ass again. That's what I keep on telling you! Why are you making me repeat it so many times?!"

Pavel just shook his head and watch his friend go on with her ranting about him not being fun at all. He doesn't really blame her. He isn't in the mood all night because Katt left earlier and he had to stay because he's one of the needed producers to be here. He skipped last year's party which means he can't do that again tonight which again sucks because the Katt isn't here. She's always been a like a little sister to him and seeing her enjoy this type of party serves as a bonus for him. He's like a big brother watching his sister in a playground which is not happening right now because for the nth time, Katt isn't here.

Baifern is still ranting and still pursuing him to do what she wants when a young actress asks if she could dance her. Flushed with the bold request of the young actress, the woman finally left him to dance.

It's one of the most unique features of this party that he had to salute his friend slash to the CEO of the company for. No matter what and who you are, you are required to enjoy this night however you want it. So, seeing two men or two women dancing together is not a big deal.

This party is too damn open to doing whatever you like that he has seen the worst but not life-threatening things people would do to enjoy themselves.

"Eat this, Ai'Pa!"

Before he could even ask what it was—his co-producer already put 'it' inside his mouth. It melted too quickly and it tasted like chocolate.


His lady co-producer grins. "You'll know in an hour. Have fun, Ai'Pa! Oh, and Baifern asked me tell you that enjoy every second of it."

Oh shit. If his crazy friend Baifern really has something to do with whatever he ate, he's nervous now. That damn of a woman! He thought he escaped her when that young actress took her away!

"P'Pa, let's drink!"

Now he's been pulled by a group of actors and actresses to drink and he actually couldn't say no to them because they've already taken him.

Pavel's alcohol tolerance is high enough that even after the countless shots they made, he's just tipsy and still far from being drunk. What makes him anxious was just the fact that he ate that tiny chocolate or whatever that was. That's the point. He doesn't even know what that was, let alone what could it be effect on him.

He should probably call his assistant now so someone could at least fetch him—but no. He couldn't do that because he promised it's Pan's day off and he wouldn't bother her.

"Have you seen P'Mean? I think he's with P'Dome right now. Gosh, I've never seen our CEO with any of us and I'm not mad he chose P'Dome."

"Shit! The company should really consider P'Dome in BLs!"

"I totally agree on that. I mean, come on, just look at them!"

Pavel didn't mean to listen to the ladies but he did and he's already looking at his friend and the guy that must be the one who they're calling Dome. He had never seen him before so he guessed he's one of the new actors. Wait, no, he actually had seen him multiple of times now because of Kath. But since he never really cared much, it's his first time really seeing him.

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