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"You worthless piece of scum! If you just do what I tell you, then we wouldn't have this problem now would we?" Jiwon said. Jin only nodded at his words. Jiwon stomped away. The moment he was out of sight, Jin angrily wiped at his tears.

The lasagna he spent hours slaving over was now complete mush on the floor. His arm was now the owner of a big purple and blue bruise. Jin fell to his knees in front of the lasagna and grabbed at it, stuffing it back in the pan to throw out later.

Why do I put up with this?

Because you love him Jin. He loves you too, he just has a hard way of showing it.

He nodded at his inner thoughts. Jiwon loves me and I love him. After mopping up the last remains of their supposed dinner, he huffed in annoyance. He quickly made something for Jiwon before rushing to take a shower.

After he finished, Jin was met with a strong pair of arms around him. He flinched at the sudden act of affection from Jiwon.

"I'm a sorry baby. Why don't you let me make it up to you?" Jiwon smirked suggestively. Jin wanted to say no, but either route he took would only cause him pain. He went along with Jiwon's plan.

Sex with Jiwon was like being run over by hundreds of raging bulls. It was rough and was not pleasurable at all. He would often pinch at Jin while Jin only held back tears from the pain. When Jin did cry Jiwon would only go harder.

"I knew you liked it. You're even crying from the pleasure." He said increasing the pain for Jin. He never used any before products. Overall it was terrible, but it kept him from a beating.

The next morning Jin woke up to an empty bed. Jiwon must have gone to work earlier. He tried to sit up but found that it was a painful feat. He hugged his beaten body and only cried. In his head that was the only option. Why can't he be happy? Why can't he be loved?
Jungkook sat in his room. He always did. He had no choice. His family hated him and they never even wanted to see his face. He only had his father.

His mother ran off when he was born and left him with his dad. His dad soon remarried to a young woman with a daughter of her own. Speaking of that daughter.

"Boy! Your father said to come down for dinner." Lisa stated before strutting away. Jungkook sighed and followed and sat at the table. His stepmom threw him a look of disgust.

"You stay cooped in your room all day and only come down at the mention of food? You'll be a fat pig if you keep this up." She hissed at him. This was the usual. Why did he even bother coming down in the first place?

"Anyways how was your day son?" His father turned toward him. The boy suddenly perked up at the sudden interest on him. Well, that only lasted a second.

"Darling! Lisa has been chosen to sing the main part of the school play! Isn't that wonderful?" She asked his father. He smiled brightly.

"That's great Lisa! Are you nervous?" He asked her. Just like that, all the attention that was on Jungkook instantly floated over to Lisa. This was what he went through every day.

He picked at his food. It didn't look very edible. It was green mush splattered on the plate. Most definitely not what everyone else had. All he had was green mush and water. He looked at his stepmom.

"It's for you. I think you should diet. You're getting a little chubby there. From now on that's what you eat for dinner. It's very healthy." Jungkook pushed the plate off the table. The plate smashed on the ground spilling all of its contents.

"How dare you! You ungrateful brat!" She strikes him across the face. She was seething. "Go to your room! Don't you ever show your face again! You're a disgrace to this household." She yelled. He went to his room.

That was his life. Being called ungrateful, fat, a loser. For years he never even heard the word love being said to him. He'd forgotten what love was.
"Jimin sweetie! Come quickly." The boy rushed downstairs. The second he got there, his face was being stuffed with cake.

"How does it taste?" His mother asked. He chewed on it slowly. He swallowed and smiled.

"Delicious." He stated. She squealed and continued to ice the cake. She hummed a tune and swayed to the beat.

"Can I ask what's that for?" He asked. She turned towards him.

"For my meeting." She said before icing some more. He groaned. Anyways she continued humming and swaying. Suddenly her phone rang.

"Hey, sweetie!" His mom chirped. He internally groaned. That was his nickname.

"Yes, I went over the details. The wedding is going to be perfect." She was talking to her fiance. Jimin hated the guy. He always took his mother away from him. Jimin knew his mother had a life outside of him but still.

Also, her fiance was a huge homophobe and would always question Jimin's sexuality. He'd always tell his mother that she should take him to meet girls more often. Jimin's mom agreed to make him happy but never really did. Her son could make his own life decisions.

Jimin hated the man's guts. He got up and left. His mother shot him an apologetic look.

I should get ready for school tomorrow anyway.

He handled all his business.

"Bye Jimin! I'll be back later tonight. Call me if you need anything, ok sweets! Stay safe." She called before heading out to her late-night meeting.

"Ok, mom. See ya!" He answered before snuggling under the covers as the sound of soft rain played from his phone. Pretty soon he was out cold.

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