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A/N Time skips are the best lol
"Come on dad! We have to go!" Jungkook says holding up the wedding invitation.

"Why?" Mr Jeon asks. Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"Because her son is my best friend and he told us that we have to come or else." Mr Jeon chuckled a little.

"Sure we can go. I should be free that day." He says. Jungkook jumps up happily but his father scolds him to be careful of his boot.

"I hate this boot. I want to burn it." Jungkook pouts. Mr Jeon ignores his son as he cleans up his papers. Jungkook walks up to his room and grabs his phone.

"Tae! Did MiJeong send you guys an invite?"

"Yes. The others called and asked. We all got one." Taehyung says.

"I feel so happy like it's my wedding. This will be a good day for MiJeong. She deserves this." Taehyung agrees with his statement.

"I want to get a new suit. Will you come with me tomorrow?" Jungkook asked.

"Of course bun." Jungkook smiles, never getting tired of the nickname. He was a little sad he didn't get to see Taehyung today due to him having things to do.

"Bun I have to go. I'll text or call when I'm free ok?"

"Ok Taehyungie. Don't forget." Jungkook says.

"I won't. Bye." Jungkook hangs up the phone. He stretched as he walks back down the stairs and watched his dad look over some papers. His dad has gotten significantly better. He's not even his old usual self, he's this more chirpier person who now has all the time to spend with his son. But every now and then he'd get his crashes and would cry.

Jungkook was there for when that happened and comforted the man until he felt better about himself. It was the life Jungkook had before that woman stepped in. He couldn't be anymore happy to have it back.
"Do I look good in this? Of course I do." Jin says not waiting for an answer. Namjoon nods, partially focusing on Jin. His other half of focus was in on his pahone.

"Namjoon! Are you paying attention to me?"

"Yes. You never gave me a chance to speak." Namjoon says. Jin huffs and grabs a shirt.

"How about this?"

"Not you're type color."

"I'll disagree with you. This is totally my color. You can't wear this better than I can." Jin walks back to his closet. Namjoon frowns. If he did get a chance to answer, the older would tell him it's a wrong opinion.

So Namjoon just told him yes to everything until he eventually picked an outfit or had enough.

"Or should I wear a suit? I think I should even though MiJeong said I can wear whatever I feel comfortable in, which is really oversized sweaters and jeans." Jin says.

"Quick question. Where'd you get the oversized sweaters from because mine seem to be missing?" Namjoon asked.

"I only borrowed a few." Jin says quietly. Namjoon chuckles as he hugs Jin.

"I could go and buy you some." Jin shook his head and Namjoon off of him.

"No, I like yours better." Namjoon shakes his head and chuckles.
Jimin was in charge of writing out the invitations. Some of them got mailed a few weeks back, but some of them, he was asked to hand deliver. Most of them included his friends parents. They only lived a few blocks apart but really close.

Jimin checked off the list of names and matched them with the invites. It was all done.

"Mom I'm going to give out the invitations now." He called.

"Ok. Call me if you need anything." She said. Jimin nodded before leaving the house and going to where he knew the people lived. He felt like a post man and found it a funny thought.

The last one made his heart churn a little. The Min's. Jimin still wasn't really over it as much as he says he is. He still thinks about the older and it makes him sad. He still wants to be with the older very much.

Yoongi wanted nothing more than to know Jimin's reasoning. Jimin never really explained his reason for suddenly breaking up with him but Yoongi respected that. It might be the stupidest thing he's ever heard but he won't push Jimin to tell him of Jimin didn't feel like it.

A knock on his door brought him out of his thoughts. His mom was busy right now so he got up to answer the door. His breath hitched upon seeing the blonde haired boy who plagued his every thought.

"Jimin." Yoongi says wanting to just reach out and kiss him and tell him to come back, but he restrained himself.

"This is the wedding invitation for my mom's wedding. She really wants you guys to be there." Jimin says quietly, seeing the older male who he thought of every second of the day. Yoongi took it and then things went silent. It was a sad silent.

"I have to go now Yoongi. I'll see you some time again." Jimin says. Yoongi nods quietly as he watched the blonde haired boy walk away.

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