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"I see. Thank you. We'll call you to let you know when you'll be needed to prosecute him in court." The officer says. Jin nods as much as he could. Namjoon rubs Jins hand to comfort him.

Soon the doctor checks his vitals and the officer finished asking him questions.

"Everything hurts." He whines. Namjoon nods and rubs his arm.

"Yeah I know. I'm so sorry hyung. I told you I was going to protect you but  I didn't do a good job and I'm really sorry." Jin squeezes his hand.

"It's not your fault. Don't beat yourself up over it." Jin says. Namjoon frowns. He would not let himself live this one down. This would be one of his many regrets. Jin went quiet as he held Namjoon's hand.


"Yes hyung?"

"Promise you won't leave me. Promise me you'll always be with me?" He says closing his eyes, feeling tired.

"Of course."

"I said promise Namjoon."

"Yes. I promise." Jin smiles as he goes to sleep. Namjoon does as he promised and held Jins hand throughout the remainder(except for times when he absolutely had to get up) of their time there.

Hours later and an officer had called for a court date. It was scheduled a week after Jins release. Right now they wanted to focus on the older getting better right now. They'll just have to keep Jiwon in custody until then.

Namjoon hasn't left the others side unless he knew someone else was there with him. Everything was going to be alright this time. If Namjoon had anything to do about it.
"And you don't think to tell me this!?" Mrs Min screamed as she held her heart. So overdramatic Yoongi thought to himself.

He listened to her yelling at him as she walked around the house as if she was having a stroke.

"What did I do so wrong? Will my other kids end up this way? How dare he defy me? I am his mother!" She said. Yoongi stood in front of her.

"Mom calm down. You're probably tired." He said. She looked at him with so much disgust in her eyes. Yoongi didn't care.

"Listen to me. Stop this nonsense Min Yoongi. You will be a buisness major and marry a nice woman and be successful in life." She says. Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"No I won't. I'll get my degree in music and marry my boyfriend."

"Why are you doing this!" She yelled. Yoongi grabbed her hands before she can rip her hair out.

"Because I love him. I have my own plans for my future, and I don't want to follow yours. I am my own person. I thank you for bringing me into this world but it's time I live by my own rules, my own choices." He says calmly.

Mrs Min takes a deep breath.

"Whatever. Just don't come to me when you're in debt. Don't come to me when that boy breaks your heart." She says.

"I know Jimin. Jimin loves me and I love him. I know for a fact that we'll last. I know we'll grow old together and maybe have kids." He says. She wrinkles her nose before taking pills out of her bag.

"You're giving me a headache and you're making my anxiety come back." She says as she swallows them dry. She sighs knowing how stubborn the boy was and finally giving up.

"Whatever you do Min Yoongi. Just don't come with me to your problems. As your mother I'm supposed to support you and I guess I will for the time being. I still strongly disagree with the ways you're going about things but go ahead. Ruin your life if you want to or prove me wrong Min Yoongi." She says walking up the stairs to her room and closing the door.

That's as good as the apology is going to get. It's been a long day and he too needs to get some sleep. School starts back up in just a few days and he's going to take advantage of every moment until then.
Taehyung Carrie Jungkook inside as the younger didn't want to wake up. Mr Jeon opened the door and pointed him in the general direction. Taehyung was a little nervous as he saw the shot gun on the table.

Mr Jeon placed it there so the boy knows he was serious.

"I'm the sharpest shooter out there." He says. Jungkook swats the air in his dads direction.

"Dad! Stop scaring him." Jungkook says. Mr Jeon laughs to himself as he takes it back to it's appropriate place.

Taehyung gently sets Jungkook in his bed.

"Bun, you can't sleep in your suit." Taehyung tells him. Jungkook groans as he wakes up and changes only to lay back in bed.

Taehyung chuckles as he stretches and yawns. He had to get going so he could do the same thing.

"Alright bun. I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good night." Taehyung was going to leave but Jungkook grabbed his hand.

"Can I kiss you..again?" Jungkook asks. Taehyung chuckles but complies. He leans down and let's Jungkook cup his face and kiss him softly.

After a while they pull away.

"Good night bun." Taehyung says.

"Good night Taehyungie." Jungkook calls out to him as he leaves. He snuggles into bed, letting the taste of Taehyung's lips linger on his.

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