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A/N Sorry for the short chapter.
Jungkook sat in his room. He had a small grin on his face from his stepmoms misfortune.

But it was still a little troublesome to think about. Sure she would be far away from him, but he wouldn't know how his dad will feel about it. As far as he knew, his father loved the witch.

"Dad. Are you going to be ok with this?" He nodded solemnly.

"Yes. I'll be fine. That's my decision." Jungkook just looked at the papers.

"Are you sure? Is that why you're always at work? Dad." Jungkook said.

"Yes I'm sure. You're my son and it's my job to protect you. Divorce cost a lot of money Jungkook. When I married her, we didn't sign a prenuptial agreement. There's no telling how much they'll allow her to take and I have to be ready for that. I still have bills to pay at the end of the day." Mr. Jeon states. Jungkook nods at his father's words.

"How long have you known?" Jungkook wanted to know.

"Since a few months ago really." He admitted. Jungkook frowned a little at that.

"Our marriage has been rocky and I've really considered divorce before now. It's just that was the icing on the cake to make my decision permanent."

"Do Lisa and Mishima know about this?" Jungkook asked.

"I told Mishima about it and of course she put up a fuss but I'm not sure if she told Lisa." Mr. Jeon states. This was a lot for Jungkook even though it surely didn't affect him in any way whatsoever. He just had some questions. Everything would be fine. He stood up abruptly.

"Here. Good luck with that." He left not wanting to hear anymore.

Jungkook sighed before grabbing a pair of headphones and plugging them in. Hopefully they'll be alright in the end.
Jin once again found himself awoke in the middle of the night. It was kind of routine now. He would make some tea to help him get back to sleep and sit on the outside patio.

He sat down as he just listened to the outside and stared at the stars. Maybe that will put his mind into the mindset that it's bed time.

He sighed a shaky breath. If he could run into Jiwon at a random grocery store, then there was definitely a chance to run into him on the street. He was also positive that he could be hanging out around Joon's house just waiting for the right moment.

He couldn't risk that so he came up with a full proof plan. If he just never left the house then he would be safe right? He nodded at himself.

He could feel himself getting tired. He was used to this so it wouldn't be hard to stay inside forever. He laughed at the thought before getting up and going inside. He made sure to lock the door before going back to his room.

He noticed Joon's door was slightly ajar and peeked inside. He grabbed his phone before walking in. For black mail.

He took pictures of his sleeping state. His cheeks smushed against the pillow. Even a drop of drool spilling out of the side of his mouth. His hair messily displayed. Jin kinda found it cute. But he would only use the photos for when he wanted something and Namjoon disagreed to it.

He closed the door letting him sleep and going back to his own room. He chuckled slightly as he closed his eyes getting his much needed sleep.
"What do I do? I hate him!" Jimin whispered yelled into the phone.

"Jiminie calm down. Why don't you compromise." Jimin scowled.

"Compromise? Compromise what?" Jimin asked listening to his boyfriend.

"Well why don't you tell her the things you won't agree to. Like you'll accept letting him stay there but there are boundaries." Yoongi said trying to get his message to make sense.

"Yeah I get it." Jimin said sensing his unsureness.

"Jiminie! I miss you." Yoongi said with a sad tone. Jimin chuckled.

"I miss you too Yoongi but you'll see me tomorrow. Bright and early. Knowing you, you might show up at my front door."

"That's not a bad idea." Jimin laughed loudly at this statement.

"Min Yoongi if I find you on my front porch, I will hit you." Yoongi scoffed.

"That is not correct. According to the encyclopedia of lwmwoekenelekslsmsmdns." Yoongi says.

"Oh no. You didn't." They both laughed.

"Gosh I love this. We can talk for hours into the late night. Just us two." Yoongi says. Jimin nods realizing Yoongi can't see him.

"Yes. It's the best! Sorry I have to end this call short though. I'm tired and I'm going to bed early. I'll stay up and talk longer tomorrow Yoongi." Jimin says feeling a yawn come to him.

"That's alright Jiminie. Good night." Yoongi says.

"Goodnight hyungie!" He sends a kiss through the phone before hanging up. He switches off his light as he puts his phone on the charge.

Maybe he should tell his mom the boundaries he would wish to be respected. That way they can be happy without fussing with each other at all.

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