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Jimin was laughing with the basketball team. In just a few minutes, they would play the game that would make or break their futures.

"We gotta win. I need that scholar." One of the team mates said.

"Don't worry. I'll cheer extra hard for you guys!" Jimin said. Yoongi smiled at him as the others hollered with enthusiasm.

"Min, you're so lucky. Have your own personal cheerleader." Everyone else agreed.

"Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky." Yoongi admits. The coach comes in. He eyes Jimin but says nothing.

"The game is going to start. Get your jerseys on and get out here." He says. They quickly finish getting dressed and hyped each other up. The room settled into a silence meaning they were in game mode.

Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hand and kissed him.

"Good luck." Yoongi nodded. Jimin walked out and took his seat in the front row next to Hoseok who had brought all the snacks.

"Where's Tae and Kook?" Jimin asked.

"Tae called me. He said he went with Kook to get his boot." Jimin nodded knowing how happy the youngest was to get his boot. He made sure to remember the key points to tell them tomorrow. The game has come to a start.


With shaky breaths, the crowd watched in anticipation. They visitor team was good, so good that the score was tied and it was the last few seconds of the game.

"Min Yoongi! Come on team!" Jimin yelled from the bleachers. The visiting team had the ball and we're on their way to score. They shot the ball but it was intersected by no other than Yoongi.

He dribbled the ball down the court. Jimin was in awe. He knew how good the older was at basketball but he didn't know he was this good. Yoongi effortlessly doged the other team.

He wanted to secure the win with a close shot but time was running out and he only had a few seconds. He was nervous.

"Come on Yoongi!" Jimin yelled. Yoongi heard it and that gave him the confidence he needed. He shot the ball as close as he could get it, which was still pretty far. The gym went quiet as three seconds on the clock.

Jimin was the first to run off the bleachers and over to Min Yoongi as he had made it just as the clock hit zero. The gym erupted into cheers. On the other hand, the visiting team was being chewed out by their coach.

Jimin wanted to go in for a kiss, but Yoongi grabbed his waste and pulled him into a hug instead.

"My parents are here." Jimin understood. Speaking of them, they came and joined Yoongi. They basically shooed Jimin away as men in black suits came their way.

"Min Yoongi." They shook his hand along with his parents.

"As you know, we came to offer scholarships to a prestigious athletic school nearby. Many great athletes graduated from there. We saw your performance and just couldn't help but think that you'll have a great opportunity ahead of you. What do you thing Mr Min?" His mom cut in.

"He'll greatly acce.."

"Actually. Athletics isn't something long term for me. I'm sorry, but I'll have to decline." Yoongi cut in. He can already hear the hell that was going to happen later.
"I've never had a boot before. I just wanted to get rid of the crutches. I hope it healed correctly." Jungkook said fidgeting in his seat. Taehyung placed his hand on Jungkooks thigh to calm him.

"Don't worry. It'll be like walking with just a bit of extra weight." Taehyung said as the doctor called them to the back.

"I'm here for support. He's a little nervous." Taehyung said upon the doctors questioning look. She nodded as she let him in the room.

"Hi Mr Jeon!" Irene said happily. Jungkook smiled at the familiar face.

"Hi Irene." He said. He sat down as she checked all of his vitals and his leg.

"Good job Jungkook! Healing very well. As a matter of fact, it could heal quicker than we thought. Very healthy." She said smiling at him. He smiled back.

"Ok. I'll get the doctor in here to cut the cast and we can get you fitted for the boot." She shot him another smile before leaving the room. He laid back on the bed with a sigh. He wanted to get this over with as quick as possible.

Taehyung leaned over the table and looked down at Jungkook. Jungkook blew in his face and he scrunched his nose.

"After I get my boot we have to walk to the cafe! I'll pay. I want to test my new boot." Jungkook says happily. Taehyung nodded trying his best not to fall asleep. He sat back in the chair.

"You can get anything you want Taehyungie." Jungkook says to which Taehyung hums in response. He cuddles up to the chair as they wait for the doctor to come in.

Jungkook was a little nervous. He saw that they literally had a saw and would cut the cast. What if the doctor was someone who hated him and wanted to cut off his leg completely? Taehyung assured him that wouldn't happen several times but Jungkook just had to be paranoid.

After a while the doctor finally walked in, jerking Taehyung awake. He rubbed his eyes as he yawned and listened to the doctor. Jungkook took notice to the saw and reached for Taehyung.

"I'm right here bun." Taehyung intertwined their fingers with Jungkooks as he eyed the doctors suspiciously.

It didn't take long before Jungkook had a boot on and was walking around happily. Taehyung chuckled as they got whatever the doctor gave them.

"Come on! I want to walk with it." Jungkook pulled Taehyung along. Taehyung laughed and followed the happy bunny.
Jin woke up that afternoon. Namjoon had left earlier. He had the afternoon today. He sat up and the headache was eased a little bit but it was still there.

He grabbed a pill and went downstairs to grab some water. His headache eased up a bit and he stretched.

Sure he would get out of bed, but he still wasn't going outside anytime soon. He grabbed some clothes to change into after he showered. He showered before going back downstairs to get him some food.

After showering, eating and cleaning, he went back up to his room. He grabbed his phone, remembering the slip of paper with a number.

He looked at it. It wouldn't hurt to dial would it? He typed the number into his phone. He doesn't know why he's so nervous right now. With each ring he grew even more nervous.

It rang a lot of times and he realized this was silly. He was going to hang up when it picked up.


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