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Yoongi opened the door to his house. He was met with the happy barking off his dog.

"Hi buddy!" He lifts him with ease and rubs him in his favorite spot.

"Yoongi. Be a dear and come help me." His mom calls. He follows her voice. She's making dinner already? He sets his bag down and goes to help her but she stops him.

"Did you touch the dog?" He nods.

"You know the rules Min Yoongi." He washes his hands before going back to help her.

"We're having dinner early tonight. Your father and I have to get up early tomorrow." Yoongi nods. After he helped enough, he went to do homework and shower. His mother would have a fit if he didn't shower before dinner. She's a really clean woman and she's all about being on time.

He went downstairs to find everyone else already down. Even his little brother and sister.

Yoongi was the oldest and he has a middle sister and youngest brother.

"Stop that right now HyunKi." His mother scolded the youngest. He pouted but listened to her otherwise.

"KyungMi can you please pass me that bowl." She passed it her mom. Yoongi sighed. He had to tell them.

"Mom. Can I say something?" She nods as she listens to her older son.

"I don't think I want to major in athletics." He says. She looks at him and sigh.

"Yoongi we've been over this. You told me that you didn't want to do business, in which maybe HyunKi might want to but, I agreed to let you do athletics. I won't let you do music."

"Mom!" She shakes her head.

"No. I only want you to be successful in life Yoongi. Music won't get you anywhere." She shakes her head. Yoongi eats and leaves the moment he gets done.

Moments later he hears a soft knock on the door. It's KyungMi.

"I want y-you to do mu-usic. I like it w-when you play t-the piano." She says. Yoongi hugs her and she smiles.

"F-fighting." He says it back to her which causes her to giggle.

"Are you still being bullied Ky?" She nods slowly.

"B-but it's g-getting better, I p-promise." She says. Yoongi nods trusting it. He smiles at his little sister.

"Mimi! I want to play! Tag!" She gasps.

"HyunKi you c-cheater!" She laughs running after him. Yoongi sighs to himself, listening to music.
"I brought me a new phone." Jin tells Namjoon.

"Ooh! I want to see!" He says. Jin laughs at his childishness.

"That's nice. Way better than mine." He looks at his phone with a frown.

"Doesn't matter. What matters is that I got a new phone." Jin teases. He takes it out and follows the directions to set it up. It doesn't take long.

The minute it's on and working he dials a number.

"Taehyung! Yea it's Jin. Just wanted to tell you this was my new number. Ok bye." He hung up. He dialed another number.

Namjoon's phone started ringing. He raised an eyebrow at Jin.

"You remembered my number?" Jin nodded.

"Also. This weekend. Do you mind coming with me? Taehyung says that he really wants to meet you." Namjoon laughs.

"Sure. Why not?" He says and scoots onto the couch next to Jin.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Jin asks even though he already picked out a movie to watch. Namjoon nods. The minute he saw the movie title he immediately regretted it.

"We are not watching frozen."

"Aw why not!? It's a really good movie. I promise." Jin begged Namjoon to watch it with him. He finally gave in.

"Yes!" He pressed play. Namjoon watched with a scowl to which Jin couldn't help himself but to make fun of. Jin belted out the lyrics to let it go making Namjoon groan but smile just a little bit.
Taeee: Kookie! Do you want to hang out with me this weekend?

Kookie: I hang out with you almost every weekend

Taeee: Is that a no😣

Kookie: Of course not. I'll be glad to hang out with you this weekend

Taeee: Great! I want you to meet a really close friend of mine
He's awesome but he's older, hope you don't mind

Kookie: A friend of yours is a friend of mine

Taeee: You sound so cheesy right now

Kookie: I have something important to tell you
It's kinda weird

Taeee: I'll be the judge of that
Tell me Kookie

Kookie: Lisa talked to me for the first time in like a month
She was going to tell me something but then left

Taeee: What were you guys even talking about

Kookie: She was apologizing on my step mom's behalf
Then the conversation moved to talking about my broken leg
She asked me if I remembered and when I said No, she left

Taeee: I'm not sure Kookie
Next time you get a chance, ask her ok

Kookie: yea I might

Taeee: Have any dreams about me last night😏

Kookie: omg Kim Taehyung

Taeee: just kidding bun

Kookie: Oof
It's getting late and I still have so much work to finish
Text you later Hyung

Taeee: Alright
Don't stress yourself

Kookie: yea
text you laterr

Taeee: ok bye💜

Jungkook stares at the purple heart, his own starting to pick up a pace again. He smiles to himself as continues to work on his homework.

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