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"I don't feel well." Jin complained that afternoon. Namjoon has had enough and dragged him out of bed. He's been there since yesterday.

"Hyung you can't sleep your life away. Have you eaten?" Namjoon asked. Jin stayed quiet.

He spent all day in bed and cried resulting in a huge headache. He had also forgotten to eat.

"See. No wonder you don't feel well. Here." Namjoon pushed a plate of food in front of him.

"You have to eat hyung."

"But I'm not hungry." Jin countered.

"You have to eat. At least take like three or four bites." Jin said picking up his utensils and eating whatever Namjoon cooked. It wasn't very good nor was is the worst but it was ok. He ate of few bites of that.

His head started pounding and he groaned. He got up to go and get back in the bed. Usually that helped with the pounding and maybe if he cried a little, it also helped in a way.

Namjoon sighed loudly as he watched Jin leave and followed him.

"I won't let you stay under the covers forever. I will be loud and obnoxious hyung if I have to." Jin dismissed him resulting in 'alarm clock' Joon.

Namjoon screamed out the sound of an alarm clock while also shaking Jin. Jin groaned loudly. He understood that Namjoon was just trying to help but he was making things worse. Jin's head started pounding even when he laid down.

Namjoon sighed after seeing the olders reaction. Jin sat up shooting glares at Namjoon. He gave him a smug grin in return.

"Hyung is there anything I can do?" Jin nodded.

"Tea?" He asked hoping that'll help with his headache. Namjoon went away and came back quickly with it. In other words, it didn't help.

"How about I just go and get you some headache medicine." Namjoon suggested. Jin nodded.

"Please?" Namjoon grabbed his keys and things.

"Do you want to come?" Jin shook his head. Namjoon nodded before leaving the other to curl up in his bed.
"You got this hyung!" Jimin cheered from the bleachers as they were now on the basketball court practicing. Tomorrow was Yoongi's BIG GAME.

Of course he had to bring his own personal cheerleader, even if it was just practice.

Jimin was a really good cheerleader. It made Yoongi want to show off all his amazing basketball skills, making him work harder. And that he did. He was sure there was a pool of sweat around him.

Also Jimin had put up a good reward if he made all of the shots. So far so good. He was determined to get that kiss.

"Min Yoongi! Min Yoongi!" Jimin yelled and Yoongi couldn't help but laugh at his antics. This was the last shot before he could get his reward. With as much concentration as he would get, he shot the ball. He felt such a wave of relief surge through him as it went in.

He barely had the chance to turn around and speak before being tackled into a kiss. He dropped the ball as he held Jimin up and prevented the both of them from falling.

They stood in the middle of the court, lip locked as they had no intention of pulling away anytime soon. Well until they had to breathe.

Jimin held Yoongi's face as he smiled at him.

"You'll do great tomorrow Yoongi." Yoongi nodded before kissing Jimin again. Jimin pulled away early this time making Yoongi pout.

"Aww. You'll be fine hyungie. You're sweaty now." Jimin scrunches his nose. Yoongi tried to get another kiss out of him but Jimin kept pushing him away and laughing.

"Go and shower first." He set Jimin down and they grabbed their things, with Jimin pushing Yoongi to the showers.
Mishima was really just an unfortunate soul. Marrying man after man but never able to keep them. It was sad really.

The woman wasn't good with kids at all. As a matter of fact, she hated them. They are just disrespectful little brats that waste 18 years of your life. Lisa was just an exception.

Sure she hated them but she wasn't going to abort her baby. She'll just have to deal with it. She tried being a good mother and quiet possibly come to like kids.

But it was just too much for her. She successfully raised the child until the child can do thing on their own. At such a young age, her daughter had to learn all of the necessary information that not many girls learn til teenage years.

Men. Something she was able to get but not keep. She couldn't even count how many marriages she had to mention boyfriend's. She always found her self doing something wrong.

She always wanted what was best for her daughter even if she couldn't give it to her. She just doesn't have what it takes to be the parent in this situation. Lisa needs someone who will be that parent for her.

Now here she was disappointing both her and her daughter. Another divorce sitting in front of her face. She didn't even try to fight to much for this one. He seemed adamant on his decision.

"When?" She asked after knowing this was permanent.

"I don't know yet but maybe soon." He said. She nodding.

"Just let me know." She left not wanting to hear anymore. She knocked on her daughter's room door. She opened it with a questioning look.

"So. Would you rather go back to Japan of Thailand?" She asked. Lisa looked at her with a sad expression.

Lisa knew this wasn't going to last. They came here for a fresh start but it's always the same result in the end. Here Mishima was comforting her daughter and apologizing profusely.

"You always do this mom! I was happy here and you just had to ruin it!" Lisa yelled knowing her efforts of making her mother look good had gone to waste.

Lisa ignored her words as she grabbed her things and left. She called the Jennie- the only person she had grown close to- to tell her she needed a place to stay the night.

Mishima cried knowing once again, she failed at being a mother.

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