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A/N BTW it's Friday in case you didn't know. Enjoy
Taehyung hadn't seen Jungkook all day. He went to go and meet him at their usual but he wasn't there. He tried calling but Jungkook wouldn't pick up.

Jungkook on the other hand was sticking to Hoseok and Jimin who had taken the time to comfort their younger friend.

"I'm scared. What if he doesn't talk to me anymore and only wanted to be my friend for a good grade? What if we don't get a good grade and he gets angry with me?" Jungkook asks.

"Hey Kookie. Chill out ok? Taehyung wouldn't do something like that." Hoseok said rubbing Jungkooks back as he seemed he was going to cry.

"Gah I'm sorry. You guys have things to do. You can go ahead." Jungkook says.

"Nope not at all. We're not leaving until you're ok Kookie." Jimin says leaning down next to him.

"What about Yoongi hyung?"

"He can wait. It's about you and Tae right now."

"I'm not going to lie but I've been shipping you guys since I met you." Hoseok says laughing afterwards. This does put a smile on Jungkooks face.

They spend the rest of the morning assuring Jungkook that Taehyung would never do something like that or Hoseok and Jimin will kick his ass.

It was now the last period of the day, Mr Lee's class. Jungkook had managed to avoid the older all day but now was the moment of truth.

"Bun? Where have you been all day?" Taehyung asked the moment he laid eyes on Jungkook. The younger shifted in his seat a bit, feeling a little embarrassed.

"I.. I've been avoiding you because I was nervous." Jungkook admits.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" Jungkook shook his head.

"No. I was just.. afraid. I told you I was nervous about the project. I was nervous that you weren't going to talk to me anymore and only was my friend to get a good grade."

"Bun, what makes you think that? I wouldn't ever do that to you. I would hate myself if I ever did that. You don't have to worry bun." Taehyung reassured him. Jungkook nodded a bit before turning back to the board.

Projects were presented one after another and Jungkook tried his best not to fall asleep. Taehyung on the other hand was already out. Jungkook pinched him to keep him awake.

"Since you keep falling asleep Mr Kim, why don't you and your partner go next." Mr Lee called out. Taehyung shot up.

"I wasn't asleep Mr Lee, I was just closing my eyes for a bit." The teacher dismissed him and asked them to come up.

They presented the project which took at least 10 min per group. Jungkook smiled after noticing how interested people were in their presentation. They ended the project on a good note and Taehyung made the class laugh a little.

"Great job Mr Kim and Mr Jeon. I'll have this graded and you can check your grades after school." He said telling them to have a seat.

Just as Taehyung had said, he treated Jungkook the same as he'd him any other day. Just this time he was being a bit extra as he wanted to get Jungkook into a much better mood.

"We got an A!" Jungkook cheered happily. He danced as much as his boot would allow. Taehyung smiled at the cute bunny boy.
"Calm down hyung." Namjoon said as he tried calming the nervous older.

"I can't." Jin whined. Namjoon ordered another drink for Jin to help with his nerves. Jin downed it in one gulp.

They've been watching the door since they got here. His mom had called and said she would arrive in just a few minutes. It's been 5 minutes now.

The bell on the cafe door rang signaling someone had arrived.

"Hyung, it's them." Namjoon said. Jin looked and he felt his heart rate pick up. Indeed it was. They caught eyes with each other and stares for what seemed like an eternity.

She walked quietly up to him and stared him in the eyes. She dropped her bag before pulling her son close and hugging him, afraid to ever let go.

He hugged her back. She had gotten smaller or Jin had gotten taller. He pulled her closer and hugged her tighter missing her so much.

They pulled away when the other two cleared their throats. Of course GeonWu was a man and he just went in for a handshake. That didn't mean he hadn't missed his son at all. He was just trying to hold in all his tears.

"You've gotten so much bigger. It's been too long Seokjin and I've missed you so much." She says.

"I missed you too mom. I always thought about you guys and never stopped."

"Why didn't you call us Seokjin?" His mother asked.

"Mom. Do you remember Jiwon?" She scowled at the name.

"Oh yes. I remember that hoodlum." She said with a frown.

"And remember how much we used to get into arguments because you never liked him?" Jin asked. She nodded.

"Mom, you were right about him." Jin took to explaining the whole ordeal with him and his ex boyfriend.

"But mom. This is Namjoon. He's the one that helped me." Jin says happily. SeoYeon happily shook the boys hand and thanked him many, many times.

They ordered food and drinks and happily caught up on all the years that they've missed out on.

"You don't understand how happy I am to have you back right now." SeoYeon says happily, holding her son's hand. They've been there for hours and now it was time to end things.

With another hug and exchanged addresses, they parted ways. Jin jumped happily all the way to the car.

"I'm so happy right now Joon!"

"I can see." Namjoon says. Jin hugs him tightly.

"Thank you Namjoon. None of this would have happened without you." Namjoon hugs him back.

"Anything for you hyung."
Cuddles. Jimin wanted cuddles. Yoongi wanted to finish his work, work Jimin had already finished.

"Please hyungie? Even for just a few minutes." Jimin asked. Yoongi found his pouty faces cute and tempting but still said no.

Jimin fell on his bed. Mrs Park had her afternoon meeting today, leaving the house to Jimin. What better way to spend the time than with cuddles and movies with your boyfriend?

That was the purpose but Yoongi insisted on bringing his homework to finish.

"You said cuddles and movies."

"I also said I was bringing my work to finish. Jiminie, it's not a lot ok?" Yoongi said. Jimin grabbed his phone and pouted at Yoongi who wasn't being a very good boyfriend right now.

Jimin still tested his luck every few minutes to see if Yoongi was done yet but still to no avail, he wasn't.

Some time or another, Jimin had fell asleep after waiting for the older to finish.

Finally, Yoongi finished his work for all classes and put the work away. He looked up to find Jimin had a fell asleep. With a small chuckle he leaned in next to Jimin.


"Yeah. It's me." Yoongi says. Jimin pouts.


"I thought you wanted to watch a movie as well?" Yoongi asked.

"No. I changed my mind. Just cuddles." Yoongi yawned as he scooted in next to Jimin, who quickly wrapped himself around Yoongi.

It wasn't long before Jimin had fallen asleep again. Not long after, Yoongi had found himself going to sleep as well.

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