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The YoonMin couple left the two the minute they got there. Taehyung kissed Jungkook again.

"I love you so much bun." Jungkook smiles.

"I love you too. Come on." Jungkook drags him into the room as they take in the surrounding.

"Oh Tae look! It's beautiful." Jungkook says taking a look around.

"Hi there! Can I get your picture?" A girl asks holding up her camera. They nod as they hold each other for the picture. She hands it to them.

"You two look wonderful! Have a nice night." Taehyung pockets the picture as he follows Jungkook who just looks like an excited bunny.

"The food look amazing. They even have punch like on the movies." Jungkook says happily. Taehyung nods as he lets Jungkook feed him the foods.

Finally, Jungkook let Taehyung drag him to the dance floor. They dance to the music with smiles on their faces.

"I am so lucky to have you in my life." Taehyung says.

"I think I'm the lucky one." Jungkook tells him. Taehyung smiles. They really couldn't be anymore happier than what they are in this moment. One thing caught Taehyung's eye.

"It's Hoseok hyung and his pretty date." Jungkook turned around to see the girl smiling and having a good time with their crazy older friend.

"We'll see them later tonight. Right now it's just you and me." Taehyung says as the beat starts to slow down. Slow dance.

Jungkook turns red.

"I never slow danced before. What if go too fast?" He asks.

"Just follow my lead bun." Jungkook holds tight to Taehyung's neck as he lets the older guide him softly on the dance floor. They smile at each other as they just stare at each other.

"I love you Jungkook." Jungkook closes the distance between them as he rests his head on Taehyung's chest.

"I love you just as much." The song comes to an end and Taehyung holds Jungkook before kissing him passionately.
The bathroom door slams open as Yoongi and Jimin spill into it, lip locked.

Jimin tugs at Yoongi's hair as his back hits the sink. After what seems like forever they pull away and look into the sink. They laugh at their appearance.

They couldn't keep their hands to themselves and the moment they got here they just had to. It was mandatory.

They fixed themselves up again before they went back out.

"We came here to have fun and not make out." Jimin says.

"But making out is my type of fun. I could do it all day." Yoongi says with a smirk. Jimin couldn't help but laugh. He fixed up himself and even helped Yoongi.

"Come on before we miss the slow dance of the night. If we miss it, I won't ever forgive you." Jimin tells him. They walk hand in hand back to the prom night.

Yoongi held out his hand.

"May I?" He says with a cocky tone. Jimin laughs before taking his hands and slowly starting to dance. Jimin closed his eyes as he let this sink in. Who would have thought he would be here slow dancing on prom with his best friend that he's had a huge crush on for the longest time? Heck, who would've thought they would ever date.

"Yoongi this is like a dream."

"How so Jiminie?" Jimin sighs contently.

"I would have never guessed that I'd be here dancing with you. You're the best and I couldn't be anymore happier. You're a great boyfriend and an even better friend Min Yoongi. I'm glad I have you in my life." Jimin opens his eyes as Yoongi spins him around.

"I wasn't going to let you go without making you mine. You're perfect and I'd be an idiot if I just let you walk into my life and walk out. I just had to have you for myself and you can call me selfish I you want. Park Jimin, you're amazing in every way possible. I really love you." And the song finished as Yoongi kisses Jimin with as much love as he could possibly give him.
Namjoon grabbed Jins hand before dragging him to the living room. Even though he wanted to cover Jins eyes, he doesn't think that'll be good for him.

Instead he dragged Jin along and made Jin close his eyes for a few seconds. When Jin opened them he almost fainted. It was beautiful.

Fairy lights hung off of branches that spilled into Namjoon's back yard. A good table and some speakers that were decorated with more fairy lights. To anyone else it would look like a mess of fairy lights but knowing Namjoon, this is as good as it's going to get. There were balloons and streamers and confetti. Jin laughed.

"What's all this for?" Jin asks.

"Prom." Namjoon says with a smile.

"Well because you said you never went to prom and I just really wanted you to have this kind of experience you know? I had to do it myself since they wouldn't let two grown men into a school full of teenagers." Namjoon says trying to explain himself and getting embarrassed.

Jin nods and hugs him tightly. Namjoon happily hugs him back.

"Thank you Namjoon. I can't say thank you enough." Namjoon cut on some music as they spent their night dancing and having so much fun together, even if it was just the two of them.

Jin had the best time of his life. He hasn't felt this kind of happiness in most of his life. It was an amazing feeling and he wouldn't trade it for anything. He grabbed Namjoon's hand as he danced around excitedly. The next thing really shocked the both of them.

Namjoon had pulled Jin closer to him and the both of them were lip locked. Joon even shocked himself and was going to pull away but Jin pulled him back.

They pulled away and looked at each other.

"Dang it. I wanted this to happen on my birthday!" Jin says.

"What, why?"

"So we could make our anniversary on my birthday and I get double the presents." Namjoon groans.

"Just kidding." Jin pulls him down into another kiss.
It was getting late and Joon and Jin were getting ready to end things. They had tired themselves out. Suddenly the gate slammed open and in walked the boys.

"We heard the after party was here!" Hoseok yelled as everyone cheered.

"We couldn't leave you hanging on your diy prom." Taehyung says to which Namjoon glares at him.

"We're friends! There was no way we were going to miss this. Happy prom night everyone!" They all happily cheered, ate and danced until it was early in the morning.

"Thank you guys so much. I love you guys with all of my being." They laugh.

"We love you too Seokjin!" They tackled their friend in a hug.

"I can't breathe!" Jin stated. They laughed before letting him go.

"Who's the beautiful girl?" Jin asked. She turned red.

"This is my girlfriend, Meko." Hoseok said. She waved at them.

"She's our friend now. If you hurt her we will hurt you." They tell him before bursting out in laughter.

They were happy with each other and the way things were. These past few months have really changed their lives for the better. They wouldn't have it any other way then what it was now. They didn't have any regrets with how things played out.

Everything was perfect and they were sure of it this time.

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