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Yoongi was upset. He said no. Jimin was upset. He said yes.

"Oh come on hyung! Please!" Jimin begged the older who was being stubborn. Yoongi almost gave in. ALMOST. He glared at the younger.

"No." He said. Jimin pleaded.

"Tell me who you like! I promise I won't tell!" Jimin pleaded. Yoongi still was being stubborn. Taehyung came and sat next to him.

"Tell what?" He asked. Yoongi rolled his eyes and Jimin was being silent. Taehyung nudged Jimin.

"Tell me hyung!" He said. Jimin groaned.

"Yoongi hyung won't tell me who he likes." Jimin said letting out a frustrated sigh. Taehyung gasped.

"Grumpy Hyung likes someone?! Don't be mean. Share." He said staring at Yoongi. Yoongi refused. Each time Yoongi said no he earned a punch to the arm. The boys were so wrapped up in trying to milk Yoongi that they didn't notice the twiddling boy sit next to them.

Jimin noticed first.

"Aish! Hey. Sorry about them." They boys turned their head at the sound of Jimin's voice. Yoongi smiled slightly as Taehyung tackled him.

"KOoookkkKkkIiiiEee!" He sang hugging the boy close. Jungkook smiled slightly before patting the olders head in an attempt to rip him off.

"Aww is that your boyfriend?" Jimin asked. Jungkook looked down blushing and Taehyung turned towards Jimin.

"Not yet." He winked. Jungkook hit him in the arm. Taehyung went wide eyed.

"Ai! Just kidding.. Or am I?" He asked earning another punch from Jungkook.

"WHERE ARE MY BESTIES!?" A red haired boy screamed before catching sight of the four. He ran towards them.

"Hey besties!" He said. They laughed at him. He ducked behind Yoongi as a teacher frantically searched the cafe before running away. He let out a sigh.

"I swear. That teach is like..obsessed with me or something. She's always on my tail." He said running a hand through his hair.

"Hoseok what did you do this time?" Jimin asked. Hoseok smirked.

"The teacher gave me a stapler and told me hang up the artwork. So I stapled pictures of myself on the walls." He said. Everyone burst out in laughter.

"What?" He asked scowling.

"The fact that you consider yourself artwork." Taehyung scoffed. Hoseok smiled.

"You're right Tae, I'm not a piece of artwork. I'm a masterpiece." He said standing up and flexing.

"HOSEOK!" Someone yelled. He went wide eyed as a teacher ran towards him.

"Bye guys!" He said grabbing a fry and running away. The teacher ran after him.

"Looks like some one has detention later." Jungkook said. They laughed.

Jimin was staring at Yoongi. He wanted to know so badly but Yoongi was being stubborn. Jimin grabbed his hand. Yoongi snapped his head up at Jimin.

"Please hyung?" He asked. Yoongi was blushing furiously.

"Ok ok. Just let me go." He said. Jimin smiled brightly and was awaiting an answer.

"Ok. I like.." Jimin waited but Yoongi never finished as Taehyung's friend ran out in tears and a worried Taehyung running after him.
After Jungkook beat Taehyung for messing with him, he sat quietly and listened to the story Tae insisted on telling.

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