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MiJeong peeked through the curtain as she watched as the venue filled up with friends and family. She closed it and took a deep breath.

"I'm scared." She told the maid of honor. Mrs Kim held her hand.

"Don't be Mi, it's going to be the best day of your life." MiJeong hugged her friend tightly. She helped straighten out her dress and fixed her up. MiJeong thanked her friend who has always been there for her. They even got pregnant around the same time and basically raised each others kids.

She peeked out the curtain again to see just a few more minutes left.

"Hi mom." She turned and saw her son. He looked so handsome in his suit as he smiled at her.

"Hi sweetie."

"You look amazing just so you know. You'll do great alright. Don't he to nervous alright." She hugged him too and kissed his head.

"I'll try ok." He nodded as he took out his phone.

"Smile." She smiled as he took her picture. He wished her luck before going to get the rings to bring out later. She fixed herself once more as she can hear the reception getting ready to start.

"You'll do great Mi." Mrs Kim wished her friend good luck before picking up her smaller bouquet and taking her place at the front next to the respective groomsmen.

Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok and Yoongi all took a seat in their respective areas with their parents. They were slightly confused as their older friends hadn't shown up yet. As a matter of fact, they haven't heard from them in a while. They shook off whatever bad feeling was trying to creep up on them.

They all silenced as the reception was going to start. The priest stood at the front as Daesung walked to his respective spot. The band started on cue as they pulled the curtains back.

The bridesmaids all walked down the aisle as they smiled, and linked hands with a groomsman. The crowd clapped and cheered happily as they walked to their spot. Mrs Kim walked down the aisle and waved to her son who smiled at her. She took her place in her spot as they waited for Daesungs best man to finish walking down the aisle.

The hype music continued as soon little flowers were being fluttered every where. The crowd cooed at Rosé in her dress, throwing flowers. They clapped when not too far behind was the ring bearer, aka Jimin. The boy was old enough to carry the real rings and MiJeong insisted that her son did it.

Jimin guided Rosé as she threw the flowers out of her little basket. She finished and joined her aunt in the front row as she swooped her up. Jimin smiled as he held the rings and stood at the front now clearing way for the bride. The music changed to the traditional 'Here comes the bride' theme as they all waited in anticipation.

MiJeong smiled as she grabbed her father's hand. The man held his daughter as he gave a glare to Daesung who gulped slightly. She walked down the aisle just as she had practiced, making no mistake. Her father walked her up the alter.

"Thanks dad." He kissed her cheek before letting her walk to her respective place.

"Thanks Grandpa." Jimin called making the venue chuckle slightly before silencing again. MiJeong now stood in front of Daesung as they smiled at each other.

"Shall we start with vows?" Daesung nodded as he took in a breath. He started saying things that for some strange reason made MiJeong feel bad. She smiled slightly at him before it was her turn. Even when she practiced this and knew every word, she said each one with a shaky tone. It was if she shouldn't say that. It felt... Wrong?

"So now on. Mr Han. Do you take Yun MiJeong to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" She said.

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