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"I told you it was alright. I found it kind of funny."

"But it was embarrassing. I would never say anything like that. You could have believed it was me."

"I didn't believe it was you for a second. From the moment you sent three emoji's in a row."

Jimin smiled at that. Yoongi back hugged Jimin.

"Don't be embarrassed. It's going to happen someday anyways."

"Hyung~" Jimin whines, not letting his mind go there for even a second. He kisses Jimin's cheek before letting go and grabbing his hand.

"You know. I've always wanted to do this with you Jimin. Just me and you." Jimin hums in satisfaction.

"Yea. Me too hyung." They walk to school together teasing and playing with each other until it's actually time for them to get to class.

"Will you sit with me at lunch?" Yoongi nods at his words and leans in for another quick kiss. He has to get going or else he would be late. Jimin smiled to himself even if his face was as red as an tomato.

From they moment they walked into the school they other got glared at or cooed at. Some girls even said they wanted a relationship like theirs.

Jimin told Yoongi that he shouldn't do that but the older was stubborn and did it anyways telling Jimin that he didn't care what others thought. So Jimin went along with it because if Yoongi didn't care then neither did he.

He walked into class and earned a smirk from Jennie.

"Hi pabo! How's it going with you two love birds?" She asked with a smug look. He blushed.

"I-it's good Jen." He says as he takes a seat.

"Is he romantic?" Jimin nodded. Jennie could feel herself squealing.

"I knew it! You guys are perfect for each other." Jimin rolls his eyes but smiles anyway.

"Don't forget to invite me to your wedding ok pabo? And I better be like, the guest of honor for putting you two together because no one knows how long it would have took you guys if you did it on your own." She finishes as the bell rings signaling class was going to start.

He listened to whatever the teacher was talking about while his mind kept on wandering back to Yoongi.
Taehyung had walked Jungkook to class early as he had something to do. Jungkook asked what it was but he didn't specify so instead he just listened to the older.

"Lisa!" Taehyung called. She turned around and looked at him.

"Taehyung? Yes?" She asked. He looked at her friends who were staring at him intently.

"Can I speak to you in private really quickly?" He asked. Lisa excused herself upon his request.

"What is it?" She asked seeming a little bored.

"Do you know what happened to Jungkook?" She looked at him with an unreadable expression.

"Yes." She answered after a few moments.

"Tell me what happened." She sucked in a breath.

"My mother." Taehyung tightened his jaw. That much he knew.

"But don't get to angry ok? I swear I saw the whole thing. It really was an accident. Please don't be too mad." She bowed and he told her to sit up.

"Ok. I won't be too, too mad. I'm pissed but, just sit up." She had her hair in front of her eyes as she stood in front of him.

"She's really sorry. She doesn't mean to do the things she do." Lisa lifts her head to find the male already gone. She took in a shaky breath before walking back to her friend group.

"Are you ok Lis? What did he say to you?" Jisoo asked her, Jennie following suit. She shook at head and chuckled.

"It's nothing girls. I think I'm going to go ahead and get to class." Lisa said bye to her friends. She walked silently down the hall and held in her unshed tears.
Without getting the groceries, Jin ran inside and slammed the door. He let out a shaky breath as he looked out of the blinds. Namjoon walked out of his room to see the older.

"Jin!" Jin screamed before realizing it was only Namjoon.

"What's wrong hyung? Where have you been?"

"Grocery shopping."

"Without any groceries?" Namjoon asked.

"Th-they're in the car."

"Do you need help bringing them in?"

"I don't want to get them at all. Can you get them please?" Jin asked. Namjoon gave him a confused look but nodded anyways as he slipped his shoes on.

When he came inside, he found Jin pacing around the room, still in the clothes he went out in. Namjoon places the things down and walked up to Jin.

"Hyung what's wrong?"

"I saw him Namjoon. I saw Jiwon." Namjoon understood now.

"Did he touch you? Hurt you? What happened?" Namjoon checked him over. Jin wrapped his arms around Namjoon.

"I was so scared Joon. What if he recognized me? What if he followed me? What.. "

"Hyung don't say 'what if'. Don't think about the ifs'. Think about now. With me you're safe ok? Don't worry." Jin nodded his head into Namjoon's shirt. With Namjoon he was safe.

That's all he needed to remember.

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