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"I have to get to work Jimin sweetie. You'll be fine right?" Jimin nodded at his mother. With a kiss, Mrs. Park left the home.

Jimin went back to his room. He noticed a strip of paper on his floor. He looked at it. It was his photos, except the last one was ripped. Jimin liked that picture the most.

"Maybe I'm not meant to have nice things." Jimin said as he laid in his bed holding back unshed tears. He would never admit it but deep down inside he really liked Yoongi but that's not the way the world works. It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve(lol I'm sorry😂).

A knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts. He looked out the window to see the familiar car. With a gasp he ran down the stairs.

"Hyung! What are you doing here?" Yoongi rubbed his neck as he looked at Jimin.

"You weren't at school today so I came to check on you. Are you ok Jimin?" Jimin nodded slowly.

"Uh y-yea I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." Yoongi smiled his gummy smile, one that Jimin just really loved. He invited Yoongi in after the older refused to go back to school.

"Gosh, you are so stubborn." Jimin teases. Yoongi shrugs.

"I guess that's just my swag." Jimin laughs loudly at this statement.

"Swag where?" Yoongi scrunches his nose.

"You're just upset that you don't have any jams." Jimin gasps and punches him in the arm, remembering that time.

"You're so mean!" Jimin complains. Yoongi laughs at this.

"It's not funny!" Jimin fights Yoongi but ends up being pinned underneath the other. They stare at each other before their faces are painted red. Yoongi clears his throat and turns away.

Both of their hearts beating fast and loud, hoping the other can't hear it.

"H-hyung?" Jimin asks breaking the silence. Yoongi answers but they can't look at each other because both are them are still red as tomatoes.

"Do you wanna go somewhere? You know to like ... Hangout?" Jimin asks. Yoongi nods.

"Sure! I actually know the perfect place." Yoongi says. Jimin jumps up and goes to get himself together.

While in the shower Jimin thinks. He was so close to Yoongi that he could have just tilted his head and they'd be kissing. Yoongi's soft lips on his. He shakes his head.

"What are you thinking about Jimin!?" He whisper shouts to himself. He may or may not have picked one of his best outfits. It's not like he was trying to impress Yoongi or anything haha.

Once he got all his things together he happily followed Yoongi, chatting lively with each other. Jimin just couldn't help but imagine that this was a date between him and Yoongi. At least to satisfy his feelings for just a bit. If only he knew Min Yoongi felt the same.
It was a long and fairly troublesome day for Jungkook. People in high school can be so uncaring sometimes.

"Hey! Watch where you're going you dingus!" Taehyung shouted at one of the students who had bumped into Jungkook. People were uncaring except his hyung.

"Ah you don't have to. It's fine hyung." Taehyung scoffs.

"He could have hurt you more. I'd say that's hardly fine. Come on. We have to get to class so we can work on the project together." Jungkook nodded.

"Also Kook, I think you should come over to my house after school. You know for the project." Jungkook turned red.

"I-i'll try my best hyung." Taehyung cooed at the younger. Jungkook was someone who was cute and sweet and Taehyung adored that. He wouldn't see why anyone would want to hurt this precious bunny.

He knew it was none of his business be he really wonders what happens behind closed doors for his bun. Yep, HIS bunny.

Taehyung planned to keep Jungkook for himself. The younger made him feel things that only could be described as love. No matter how long he needed to wait for Jungkook to love him back, he was more than willing to wait.

He stayed by Jungkooks side as the younger walked slowly and carefully to keep his balance. Taehyung smiled at his attempt.

"I never used crutches before. It's new to me." Jungkook defended himself from Taehyung's teasing.

They managed to get to Mr. K's class before they were considered late. They sat in their normal seats as they gathered the things for their project.

"Thanks hyung." Jungkook says as he finally takes a breather.

"It was nothing Jungkook. Come on let's get started."
"What are you doing?!" Namjoon yelled making Jin jump with fright. He apologized immediately.

"What do you mean? I'm cleaning." Jin said holding up the sponge. Namjoon sighed with disbelief.

"Give me." Jin handed over the sponge a little on edge.

"You do not get to clean at all, not while you're here." Namjoon says. Jin groans.

"But I'm bored.." He starts to say.

"I mean you could have gone anywhere you wanted to." Jin messed with his fingers.

"I'm just not used to it..." He admits. Namjoon realized something. He smiles.

"Well then. Let's go out. N-not like a date o-or anything." He says starting to turn red. Jin laughs at his flustered state.

"Yeah sure. Where too?" Jin asks.

"Well, I didn't have anything in mind. That was kinda just, out there you know?" Namjoon admits. Jin smiles.

"Can I take you to one of my favorite places then?" Jin asks. Namjoon nods grabbing their things and following the excited hyung.

"So you say you didn't get out much?" Namjoon asks. Jin slows his pace a bit.

"Well, I wasn't allowed too. Other than to his job and even then he timed me. If I didn't get there in the time he set for me then well, I'd get a beaten." Jin shrugged.

"If I had time to spare, I would still leave the house and just walk around for a bit but then I had to be home before he got home." Jin added. That made Namjoon angry. He even restricted his freedom!?

"Don't worry hyung. With me, you can go anywhere at any time. Don't forget that ok." Jin smiled at him.

"I won't." He said as they kept walking.

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