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A/N This chapter is based on like a real wedding I've been too before so please bare with me lol. I was going to do it in Korean tradition but like I kind of confused myself soo...😅 Sorry for the long wait, I haven't been feeling well lately but I've gotten better. Now enjoy 💜
"Jimin stay still." Jin instructs the younger boy.

"I can't." He says. Jungkook holds him still as Jin finishes up what he was doing.

"I'm so excited yet so nervous at the same time." Jimin says. Jungkook nods.

"Yes I understand hyung." Jungkook tells him as he let go.

"All done." Jin hands him a mirror. Jimin's lip quiver.

"Park Jimin, if you cry again I will not fix your makeup." Jimin looked at him.

"I'm going to cry." He says.

"Don't you dare." Jin playfully glares at him. Jimin takes in deep breaths as he sets the mirror down.

"You know, it's much more nerve wrecking when the day is actually here and you don't just think about it anymore." He says. The other two nod.

Mrs Park walks in to see her son.

"Hey sweetie. How are you feeling?" She asks as she rubs his shoulders.

"Nervous. Very nervous." She hands a few tablets of a pill.

"This was prescribed to me on my wedding day. It helps with the nerves." She says. He takes them gratefully.

"I feel like I'm sort of calming down now." He says as he takes another deep breath.

"Good. The reception is going to start in a few minutes. You shouldn't be too nervous by then." She takes his hand.

"We'll see you out there. You'll do amazing I promise." Jin and Jungkook tell him before joining everyone else.

MiJeong holds her son's hand tight. Jimin can hear the few sniffles.

"Mom are you crying?" He asks slightly amused.

"No." She tells him.

"Mom, at least save the tears until the reception starts." She nods.

"Ok." She wipes the stray tears from her face.

"I'm so excited for you Jimin!" KyungMi says catching sight of the husband to be. He smiles.

"Thanks Mimi! I'm also really excited." She hugs him. Suddenly Rosé tugs on her dress.

"Can I throw the flowers now Kyungie?" She asks. The band starts to play and KyungMi nods. She turns back to Jimin.

"Good luck!" She tells him as she turns to walk with Rosé. She happily throws the flowers around and it's really a beautiful sight in Jimin's eyes. He tugs at his mom.

"Are you ready?" He asks. She nods.

"Don't be nervous. In just a few seconds you'll be getting married to the love of your life." Jimin smiles already picturing Yoongi's face. MiJeong starts to tug on him to let him know its time. He holds his breath as he walks out into the crowd.

Everyone is smiling at how beautiful he looks and they can't wait to see the two finally tying the knot. Jimin let's his eyes wander until they fall on the person he couldn't wait to see. It was Yoongi smiling at him and Jimin couldn't help but smile back. MiJeong kisses her son's forehead before she takes a seat and the ceremony begins.

"On behalf of Min Yoongi and Park Jimin, I welcome you and thank you all for gathering here on this beautiful day to witness their marriage ceremony. The fact that you all have traveled such a great distance to be here today is a testament to the amazing amount of love and support they have. Many of you have given them much happiness, warmth, and guidance through the various stages of their lives. They would like to to sincerely thank you all for being here to celebrate their big day. I have also been asked by Min Yoongi and Park Jimin to thank their parents for the wonderful lives they have given them, for the hard work and guidance they have provided, for their everlasting love, support, and encouragement. It is from them that they have learned the true meaning of love, friendship, and family."

Everyone claps at the lovely opening speech they have been given. They listen intently as the priest reminds them just how serious of a commitment they are making. The two nod, understanding their decision. They smile brightly at each other as they haven't been able to take their eyes off of each other from the moment they caught site.

"You may now exchange vows." He gestures to Yoongi who sucks in a breath.

"I'm kind of nervous right now but nevertheless happy." The venue laughs a little before they continue to watch the two with grins on their faces.

"Park Jimin, I have said this countless of times but I am deeply in love with you. From the day four year old you forced me to eat a lollipop that you got especially for me. Then you showed me all your 'cool' toys."

"Hey, stuffies were the hip thing back then." Jimin pouts. They laugh before tuning back in.

"What I'm saying is that I love you and I wouldn't have it any other way. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I want you to be there with me. I want to tell you that I love you every single day of your life. I want to hold you in my arms at night and kiss you all morning Jimin. You mean the world to me. I didn't care what people had to say about us. I just cared that I have my lovely Park Jimin with me.  I love you and I can't wait to grow old with you." Yoongi says as he wipes the stray tears from Jimin's cheeks.

"That was amazing.." Jimin whispers. Yoongi chuckles slightly as he waits for Jimin. Jimin smiles before he's ready to begin.

"I love you so much Yoongi. From the beginning I was aware of my feelings for you. I was aware that I was madly in love with you, I just didn't want the feelings to surface. Mostly because I was scared. Scared of what people thought of us or scared that I'll get hurt. I can't be anymore happy that Jen gave me that extra push. When I'm with you, my mind doesn't even wonder what people thought of us. It's like the whole world dissapeared and it was just us. I was so happy with just being in your arms. There really is no word to describe just how much I love you Yoongi. My love for you is infinite and with each passing minute, it gets stronger and I feel myself falling even more in love with you. I'm so ready to face the world with you Min Yoongi." Jimin says, hoping that his speech was good enough.

Yoongi was just waiting for the best part but it still hasn't come yet. KyungMi holds the rings up to them. They nod gratefully at her. Jimin could feel himself wanting to cry as Yoongi slipped the ring on his finger. He quickly did the same as they stared lovingly at each other.

"Yoongi, do you take Jimin to be your husband?"

"Yes, I do."

"Jimin, do you take Yoongi to be your husband?"

"I do, more than anything."

"Do you promise to recognize each other as equals, and support one another in your goals and wishes for the future?"

"We do."

"Do you promise to always share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns with one another and to be open and honest at all times?"

"We do."

"Well. You may ki.."

The priest never got to finish his sentence before the two closed the distance between them. Jimin could hear his mother crying as everyone clapped and cheered for the two.

"I'm starving! Can we eat now?" Hoseok asks once they pulled away. Jimin laughed before nodding and leading the way with Yoongi. They all take a seat before the food was being served.

"I'm so happy for you guys." Namjoon tells them. They thank him before smiling again.

"Now I bet you all my life savings, that these two will be getting married next?" Hoseok says pointing at Taehyung and Jungkook. Jungkook turns red as Taehyung winks.

"You already know it." Taehyung says with a smile.

The eight of them (including Hobi's girlfriend Meko) all laugh and have fun as they gather in their friends wedded bliss.
😭 We seem to have come to an end. I really enjoyed writing this book and I think it went really well for me. Thank you guys so much! For giving me the support I needed to finish the book. There were times when I wanted to delete it because it didn't seem good to me but thank you all for the support and I couldn't be anymore grateful. Thank you once again.

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