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Hoseok had left earlier leaving Jimin to eat. Jimin was stabbing at his food. His mother gave him a look. He saw and smiled. His mother sighed.

"I heard what happened between you and Daesung earlier. If you really want me to I'll get rid of him." She smiled sadly. Jimin felt like the worse son in the world.

"No! I told you I'll give it a month. I'm sure we could get along by then." He said. His mothers eyes lit up.

"Really?! Thank you so much sweetheart." He dismissed her. She continued to talk about all the things that were great about Daesung. Suddenly the door rang. Jimin jumped up and opened it.

"Yoongi?! What are you doing here? It's late at night?" Jimin asked. A smile crept onto his face. Yoongi smiled back.

"On the phone you were crying.."

"I was not!" Jimin pouted. Yoongi laughed messing up Jimin's hair.

"Sure you weren't. I decided that we should go out for some ice cream or something. To cheer you up." He said. Jimin smiled. He nodded.

"Cool. You don't look ready." Jimin ran upstairs to take care of some things. Yoongi went inside.

"Hi mom." He smiled. She wasn't just Jimin's mom. She was everyone's mom. She smiled at Yoongi. She gestured for him to sit down.

"Serious question." Yoongi nodded waiting to hear this question.

"Do you like Jimin?" She asked. Yoongi turned red. He avoided looking her in the eyes. Mom squealed. She danced around.

"I knew it! The way you would always look at him! You can't hide that from me." She danced around and grabbed his hands.

"You'll be perfect for my son." She smiled pushing the hair from his eyes.

"I'm not even sure he feels the same way." He said. She only smiled wider.

"I'm sure he does. Mother's intuition." She said. The boy came running downstairs. He grabbed Yoongi's arm.

"I want Cookie Dough! No. Cookies and Cream! Ahh. I can't decide." He fantasized dragging Yoongi along.

"I want you guys home by 11!" She said before winking at Yoongi.
It was 9 after in the night and Jin picked up his phone. He quickly texted a number before straightening up as quick as he could. The knock on the door was LOUD.

"Jin hyung open the door!!!! Right now!!!" He opened the door and the younger tackled Jin to the ground. He examined every inch on Jin. Well almost every inch. When he tried to, Jin bit him.

"Owww! Jin!" The younger whined.

"Taehyung stop being such an idiot." He rolled his eyes. The younger was on the floor pretending to bawl his eyes out. Then that went to him ranting.

"When I see him, I'm gonna punch him in his ugly abusive face!" He said punching and kicking air. Jin rolled his eyes.

"That's not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about someone else." He said looking away embarrassed. Taehyung instantly stared at the older for the juicy details.

"What's his name?" Tae asked. "Namjoon. He's like my guardian angel. The heavens must have sent him to protect me." Jin said staring into space. Events from that morning flooding his mind.

Jin hugged the phone tightly. Suddenly it buzzed again.

Namjoon: I promise you Jin that I will help you the best I could.

Me: Why does it matter. It's not like you understand

Namjoon: I understand more than you think...

Me: I'm intrigued now. What does that mean?

Namjoon: I went through the same thing you went through before. I thought that there wasn't any escape from the hell I was in. Someone helped me and I felt so much more livelier after. I felt more hopeful. I don't want you to feel trapped Jin. You're capable of so much more. I could help you if you let me. Please Jin.

Me: Wow. No one has ever said anything like that to me before. Thank you Namjoon. Sadly it's my problem to face alone.

Namjoon: Don't say that! You are not alone. You have me. You always have me. Stop denying my help and take it.

Me: You truly are amazing. You really are, but what am I supposed to do. If I leave, I have no where else to go. I don't talk to my parents anymore. I have no friends to just run to. Namjoon don't worry. I'll get through this alone. I always have.

Namjoon: Well this time you aren't. I'm here to help and I will help you no matter what.

Jin's heart was pounding. No one has ever bothered to help him. He was stuck. He had to do it alone. Always has and always will. But then this boy he never even met before suddenly decides that he wants to help Jin? That's a dream. He smiled at the phone.

Me: Thanks Namjoon. I'll...

Jin couldn't finish before his phone was grabbed out of his hands.

That was all Jin wanted to remember. He then smiled a toothy grin at Taehyung.

"That was when I decided to leave on Monday."
"What even is this?" Jungkook asked staring at the leaf with more green mush on it. His stepmom sighed.

"Dinner. Now tell me, who was that boy that came over today?" She asked. He laughed angrily.

"So now you care about my day?" He asked. Yet again he pushed the mush away before grabbing something else to eat.

"Boy answer me!" She yelled. She was really starting to get pissed off. He shook his head.

"I have the right not to." He said teasing. She was turning into the hulk now. She came over. She raised her hand. Jungkook only smirked at her.

"You ungrateful brat! I feed you and give you shelter. Your fathers pays to keep the roof over our heads. All you do is sulk around and not giving a damn about the hardships anyone else face besides yours!" She slapped him. He turned and threw water in her face. She gasped in shock.

"You're right. I don't give a damn. Melt you witch." He said before trotting upstairs. He slammed his door shut. His heart was pounding. He couldn't believe he had just done that. She's really gonna kill him. What the hell had gotten into him? It had felt really good though and he couldn't keep the small smile off his face.

He was glad that he had locked his door as she banging on it angrily. Eventually she gave up on him and left with a angry huff. Jungkook went to take a shower so he could get ready for bed himself.

He left his hair wet as he threw himself in bed. He was immediately filled with the smell of.. Taehyung. Would it be bad if he said he liked it? That was enough to put his nerves at ease as he popped in some earphones and drowned out the sounds of his dad and stepmom arguing.

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