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"Get up. Where's breakfast?" Jiwon asked hitting the other until he woke up. Jin opened his eyes and frowned at his surroundings. He was hoping this was all a bad dream. Sadly it wasn't. He was actually back where he thought he wouldn't be.

With being back in hell, Jin immediately got up remembering what would happen if Jiwon didn't have his breakfast. Jiwon had fallen back asleep after waking him up to which he was grateful for.

Jin dragged his sore body out of bed and into the kitchen. He hated himself. Jiwon took advantage of his body again and he felt disgusted. He quickly whipped up something before rushing to shower. Maybe that will help him feel a bit better.

Just a little bit. Jin still hated himself and felt dirty. He grabbed some pills from the cabinet to help with the pain he was feeling everywhere.

He wanted so badly to cry. He wanted comfort. He wanted Namjoon. He walked quietly through the house wanting to keep Jiwon asleep for as long as possible but he was already awake.

"Where are you going? Trying to sneak out again?" Jiwon grabbed his already bruised wrist and held it tight.

"No I was just going back to the kitchen." Jin whined as he pulled his wrist away and held it in his arm. The bruise was starting to get darker now and it was more visible. Jiwon sat down at the table and ate his food while Jin didn't really have an appetite.

Namjoon shot out of bed and handled his morning routine. He went to Jins bedroom to see if maybe that was just a dream. It was real alright. Jins bed was the same as he had left it.

There was just one possibility that made the most since to Namjoon. Jiwon had him but Namjoon couldn't just walk in there and ask for the other if he didn't know for sure. Namjoon wouldn't be able to hold back his anger and quite possibly punch Jiwon in the face even if he had Jin or not. Jiwon was a dick and would surely charge Namjoon with misdemeanor.

How could someone hurt Jin? He was a sweetheart. The funniest and nicest person Namjoon had ever met. Even in just the short amount of time they knew each other, Namjoon felt an instant connection to him. Jin was a great person. He can do almost anything and Namjoon was really grateful to have someone like him around. Jin has taught him some things that he never really knew before.

Just thinking of Jin being with that asshole of a man was making Namjoon angry. He wanted nothing more than for Jin to be back with him.
"This is ridiculous Jimin!" His mom yelled getting a bit fustrated. Jimin had heard of the term Bridezilla but he didn't know it was this awful.

She had wanted to decorate the hotel room since she wanted to have her bachelorettes party here. Jimin had decided to pitch in but she nagged him for everything he did. It just wasn't perfect enough she would say.

The party included her really close friends, some of the women from her meeting, and the bridesmaids. Thank goodness some of her friends were his friends parents and they also was coming over. Daesung had been nice enough to pay for an extra room for all the boys to hang out in.

MiJeong pushed Jimin aside as she fixed all of his 'mistakes' in which Jimin thought looked fine in his opinion. His mom was just overreacting.

"Mom calm down. It looks nice already." He said. She huffed.

"But doesn't it look a bit crooked?" She asked. Jimin chuckled before grabbing her hand and bringing her to the phone.

"It looks fine. Now call up your besties and start the party. Don't get to drink though. We don't want you to have a hangover on your wedding day." She was going to protest but Jimin didn't allow her. She nodded as she handed the boy the room key. Jimin grinned and left the moment it was given to him.

He waited for a few hours before there was a knock on the door. He looked through the peep hole and opened the door. In walked Taehyung and Jungkook. Kooks father clearly wasn't invited so-courtesy of Kim Taehyung- Mrs Kim decided to pick him up.

They played a game while they waited for the others. Jimin was a little nervous since Hoseok had called and told that he was coming with Yoongi. The others told him not to worry to much. Just be himself. He nodded.

Jungkook and Taehyung groaned.

"When are they coming?" As if on cue the door knob rattled before there was banging on the door.

"Let me in! Let me in!" They heard Hoseok yell. Taehyung opened the door. Yoongi and him walked in with Hoseok holding a bag.

"What's in the bag Hobi hyung?" Jungkook asked after his turn in the game.

"Alcohol." He says. They all look at him.

"What!? Hyung!" Jimin gets ready to scold him.

"Kidding. It's cider. Yoongi wouldn't let me buy a real bottle. This was the next best thing. Plus we can play an intense game of truth or dare." Hoseok says with a smirk. He opens it and hands it to Taehyung.

"Taste." He says. Taehyung looks at it and takes a sip. His face twists into one of disgust.

"Tastes like salty death." He says cringing to himself.

"Exactly. So you either tell the truth or do the dare. If not you take a shot of this. We won't stop till the bottle is gone." He says.

"I'm in!" Jungkook says. Jimin and Taehyung give him a confused look.

"It sounds fun. Come on guys!" They take a bit more persuading before they all agree. They sit in a circle with glasses and the bottle in front of them.

"Jungkook goes first."

The game lasts for a while with only half the bottle gone. Some of the dares were clearly insane and no one in their right mind would ever do something like that. That knowledge coming mostly from Jimin and Taehyung.

"I can't drink it anymore!" Taehyung complains.

"Then do the dares and tell us the truth you idiot." Hoseok tells him. It was finally his turn and he couldn't wait.

"Taehyung dare or dare?"

"What? That's not fair." Hoseok shrugs.

"Dare." Taehyung grumbles.

"I dare you to kiss Jungkook." Taehyung turned red at this.

"I mean I don't know.. " Jungkook looked him in this eyes.

"Do you want to drink the liquid death again?" Taehyung shook his head immediately.

"Then pucker up." Jungkook crawls toward the older until he was barely a centimeter apart. Jungkook stared into Taehyung's eyes with a small pout. He wanted the older to kiss him.

"Then drink the l.." Jungkook was cut off along with the shocked faces of everyone else.

Taehyung cupped Jungkooks cheeks as he was kissing him. Jungkook could feel himself walking on air as he melted into the other. Jungkook settled himself in Taehyung's lap as they lost themselves in each other's lips.

"Guys. That's enough." Apparently they didn't hear the others as they kept going.

"Are you sure there isn't alcohol in this?" Jimin asked. They all laughed. Eventually the two pulled away and they continued on with their game.

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