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"I had such a great time! I miss doing things like this." Jin sighs happily as he leans back into the seat. Namjoon hummed in response as he focused on driving.

Jin stared out the window. The past few weeks had been some of the happiest days of his whole entire life. Especially when he spent with family and friends.

"Hyung, are you still hungry?" Namjoon asked, catching sight of a nearby burger place.

"No. Mom's dinner is enough."

Namjoon looked at the older and smiled. He was happy that Jin was happy. They got home and Jin instantly laid on the couch. Namjoon scoffed before scooting his legs over.

"Come on let's watch a movie. There's some new ones." Namjoon says knowing the older had probably watched every other movie. Jin let out a yawn and nodded. Joon picked out a movie.

Before the movie started, Jin grabbed a nearby blanket, big enough for the both of them. He pulled it over them and grabbed Namjoon's arm, cuddling slightly into his arm.

It wasn't long before Namjoon was out cold. Jin smiled as he cuddled closer to Namjoon and closed his eyes for a bit. He later fell asleep.
"Apparently you don't know how to read time." Yoongi teased. Jimin groaned.

"I swear. That clock literally said 3:14. I thought we were late." Jimin pouts. Yoongi grabs Jimin's arm and kisses him. Jimin kisses him back but later pulls away to Yoongi's dismay.

"I have to get home hyungie." Jimin laughs at Yoongi's sad pout. Yoongi nods and gets him home as he said.

"Be safe. Call me when you get home ok." Jimin squeezes his hand before going inside. He hangs up his jacket and scans the living room. He almost jumped out of his skin upon seeing Daesung standing there.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asked switching the lights on. Daesung was angry. Jimin just didn't know why.

"Who was he?" Jimin sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Just my friend. Now I'll like to go." Jimin walked past him to the stairs but couldn't help but overhear the words Daesung was saying under his breath about Yoongi. It made him angry.

"Don't talk about my boyfriend like that!" Jimin went wide eyed as hw realized he had let it slip. If Daesung wasn't angry before, he definitely was now. Jimin wanted to run up the stairs and not look back as if he said nothing.

"Jimin you're selfish. You choose yourself over your family." He says. Jimin stops.

"How am I selfish?"

"The world hates homosexuals. They shun and ridicule people like you."

"No one has done that to me." Jimin defends. Daesung just hated people like Jimin. It was.. sinful, disgusting. He only wanted what was best for them. Even if it meant he had to tell a little white lie.

"Did you stop to think about your mother?" This made Jimin stop.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"They may not say anything to you but they don't filter their words around your mother. They call her disgusting things. They tell her she shouldn't call herself a mother for raising someone like you who are a natural sin." Daesung lies through his teeth but Jimin was believing every word.

People were saying these things about his mother and it was all his fault? He felt like a terrible son. He didn't want to hear anymore as he ran to his room and slammed the door.
It was still late in the night and Taehyung was still walking Jungkook home. The bunny had wanted to take the long way so he could mess with his boot for a little and get carried the rest of the way.

Taehyung had refused to carry Jungkook because he was tired. Jungkook gave him the silent treatment for a few seconds before talking again. Taehyung assumed that he was over it.

"My mom is probably going to be worried." Taehyung chuckled. Jungkook went wide eyed.

"I didn't realize how late it was. We gotta get home Taehyungie." Jungkook says walking a bit faster. Taehyung grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers. Jungkook looked up at Taehyung.

"We can stay just like this for a bit longer." Taehyung tells him. Jungkook puts his head down, trying to hide his blush.

"Don't hide, you look adorable." Jungkook pulls away and covers his face as much as he could.

"Come on Bun."

"Kim Taehyung! Stop making me blush." Jungkook says distancing himself from the slightly older boy. Taehyung laughs at his flustered state. Jungkook hits his arm.

"Don't laugh at me you meanie!" Jungkook scolds him. They finally reach Taehyung's home since Jungkook insisted on walking him home today (tonight).

Mrs Kim threw the door open and scolded the boy.

"Don't stay out that late. At least call me. I was worried sick." She says. Jungkook bows immediately.

"It was my fault. I wanted to take the long way home." Taehyung shakes his head.

"It's not your fault Bun." Taehyung ruffles his hair and apologizes to his mom.

"Oh by the way, I won't be available tomorrow. I have to go to the court with my dad for some reason." Jungkook tells Taehyung before he completely disappear into the home.

"Alright bun. Just give me a call if you are. I'll see for sure on Monday."

"Goodnight Taehyungie!"

"Goodnight Bun."

Jungkook turned and took the short walk back to his house. Once he walked inside it was really quiet. Not even the sounds of crying can be heard. It sort of made him sad.

He showered before climbing into bed and soon falling asleep afterwards.

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