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Knocks on the door woke Jin up from his soft slumber. He rolled over and tried to go back to sleep but the knocks were persistent. Jiwon wasn't here. He had left earlier. Jin grumbled before running down the stairs and throwing the door open.

"Stop knocking on my fucking door." He yelled. His angry expression softened when he saw an embarrassed Namjoon.

"Ah I'm sorry hyung." He apologized. Jin quickly told him that it was ok. He looked at expectantly.

"What are you doing here? I told you not to talk to me anymore." Jin said slowly closing the door. Namjoon looked at him and smiled.

"It's Monday." Jin knew immediately what he was talking about. He shook his head rapidly.

"I-I can't. This w-was a mist-take. G-Go away." He tried to close the door but Namjoon stopped him. He backed away from the door with tears threatening to fall.

"Namjoon get out of my house." He said shakily. Namjoon gave him a confused look.

"You said Monday. You promised me." He said. Jin took in breathes. Tears falling down his cheeks.

"No promise. Please just leave." He said. Namjoon stepped forward only for Jin to squeak and step back.

"I have to stay. Please just leave." Jin begged. Namjoon glared at him.

"You promised. I'm not leaving without you. Just come with me Jin." Jin was sobbing. He wanted so badly to take his hand and escape from this hell. He just didn't want the problems that came with it.

"I'm doing this for your protection Namjoon!" Jin screamed.

"And I'm doing this for yours!" Namjoon screamed back. Jin let out a heavy sob before turning to run back to his room. Namjoon finally got a hold of him.

"You promised me." Namjoon said with his own tears slipping down his face. Jin reached up and wiped the youngers tears.

"Don't cry. I hate seeing people cry." He said. Namjoon hugged him.

"Come with me please." He begged. Jin hugged him even tighter. He gave in.

"I'll go. But if it gets to much I'll come back. I just don't want you to get hurt." Jin said wiping his own tears.

"I'll be fine hyung. Just come with me." Namjoon said. Jin nodded before packing his bags. After a few minutes they walked out the door.

"Should I leave a note? What if.." Namjoon stopped him.

"Don't think about him. Think about your new future." Namjoon said pulling Jin out the door. He looked back inside as all of the terrible memories played in his mind. Some good ones played too. Tears slipped down his cheek. He looked away and towards the outside world.

As he walked to the car he felt weights being lifted off his shoulders. Yet the weight of feared stayed. He feared what would happen to Namjoon. He feared what would happen to himself.

"It's ok. Everything is going to be fine." Namjoon reassured. Jin nodded as he faced forward. He wanted to be strong.
After 45 min the doctors came. He was rushed to the hospital as Jungkook passed out once again from the immense pain he was in. It took 3 hours to get the boy patched up and another few hours for him to actually wake.

He looked around the unfamiliar room. Way brighter than the basement. A young woman walked in a smiled. He gave her a slight smile.

"Hi. My name is Irene. I'll be your nurse." She said. His eyes trailed down to the cast on his leg. Irene noticed.

"Ah! You had a pretty bad accident. You broke your leg." She said. He gave her a confused look.

"How did I break it?" He asked.

"Your stepmom said you had fell down the stairs that morning. You must have had a pretty bad fall." She said. He nodded slowly.

"Here's your medicine. It'll help with the pain. If you be good and don't cause any problems you should be able to leave in about 4 days." Irene said. Jungkook nodded.

"You should get plenty of rest ok Kid. Press this button if you need anything." She said before exiting. Jungkook stared at the ceiling of the all white room. His eyes slowly drooped as the salty tears streamed down his face. Before he knew it, he had cried himself to sleep.

"Hey is Jungkook here?" Taehyung asked. He told the younger to call him so they could work on the project but he never did. Not even once this weekend.

"Yes but he's not feeling well." Stepmom said. Taehyung nodded. He wanted to see for himself. He had a feeling.

"Ah ok. Tell him to call when he's feeling better." Taehyung said shaking the feeling. He walked away. Stepmom took her smile away and closed the door. She walked to Jungkooks room.

The boy was lying on his bed, a happiness no where near.

"Here." She threw him a bottle of water and it was surprisingly cold. She also threw him his medicine.

"The doctor called. She said you can go back to school tomorrow as long as you've been taking your medicine appropriately." That was all she said before she left the room.

He sighed. He hated his life, he really did. He really wondered what he did in his past life to deserve this. He took his medicine and not caring about the few tears slipping down his cheeks.
"C-can you fix it?" Jimin asked. His mom looked at the bear.

"Jimin it's missing to much stuffing. If I do fix it it'll be nothing but cloth." She said. Jimin poked out his lip. His sadness was soon replaced by anger.

"Who does he think he is?! He doesn't have the right to touch my stuff!" Jimin yelled angry tears rolling down his face. His mother grabbed the boy into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure Daesung didn't mean it." She said. Jimin buried his tear stained face into his mothers blouse. He sniffled and snuffed.

"How c-could he!" Jimin screamed. His mom only rocked the crying boy in her arms. He didn't want to go to school today. He was too heartbroken.

"Jimin sweetie it's ok." She said. He pulled away.

"It's not. I loved the bear as if it was Yoongi himself. I love Yoongi." Jimin's mom tried to keep the smug smile from forming on her face. Jimin was too angry to realize what he had said.

He only grabbed his mother who stroked his hair until he fell silent. She whispered and stroked him until his sniffles died down.

"If it makes you feel better I could buy you another." She said hoping to get the boy into a good mood.

"No thanks. I'll be fine ok." He said. She nodded before placing a sloppy kiss on his forehead. He giggled and wiped it away.

"That's not a proper kiss mom. That's gross." He said wiping the wet substance of a kiss. She laughed before flipping the pancakes.

"Ah Jimin get the syrup honey. Pancakes are ready." She said. The boy did as he was told and happily drenched his pancakes in the gooey liquid. He cut a hefty piece before stuffing it into his mouth.

"Mhm!" He said. His mother chuckled at her son.

"Are you alright now?" Jimin nodded.

"I'll be alright. Thanks mom." She nodded at him.

"No problem my baby."

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