Phoebe Halliwell: Training

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Phoebe had taken it upon herself to train you when it came to your powers

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Phoebe had taken it upon herself to train you when it came to your powers. This job kept her on her toes, your powers were growing and ever changing. She could never prepare her lessons, never knowing which powers will present themselves. Especially after you copy them from the many demons and witches you come in contact with. Phoebe decided to train you in an empty warehouse, somewhere that wouldn't be missed if it was destroyed.

"Are you ready?" Phoebe walked into the middle of the room, resuming the fighting position

"As ready as I'll ever be" you stretched your limbs and cracked your knuckles while waiting for a surge of power to hit you. Phoebe threw a punch which you blocked with ease, another to your lower stomach that would cause a bruise. A back and forth physical fight erupted, punches and kicks were used to gain the upper hand. You grew tired of the back and forth, a sense of frustration filled your core. Your fists squeezed shut, a strange warmth filled your hand. You followed your instincts, without hesitation you threw a fire ball towards Phoebe. Her eyes grew wide as she dropped to the floor, she watched the ball create a scorch mark on the closest wall.

She quickly jumped up, raising her fists in front of her. "Whoa! Who'd you steal that power from?"

You shrugged your shoulders, not phased by the sudden fire burst. "I actually have no idea, but it was pretty cool". You knew Phoebe would see the beauty in this new power, she would appreciate it.

"Yeah, it was pretty cool, wasn't it?" You both chuckled, your bodies relaxing after a tense few hours. "Want to test it out?" Her voice was curious, she walked closer to you to inspect your hand.

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