Katherine Pierce: Return Trip [1]

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On a night of a full moon, a witch sets her spell to raise the dead

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On a night of a full moon, a witch sets her spell to raise the dead. A person she has never met for someone she despises, yet under restraint, she does what she has to. The candles are dimly light, surrounded by salt and natural herbs and plants. She sat in a meditative state, willing her power to reach the other side. In her state it was mere minutes but in actuality, she had been there for hours. Hours that Kathrine didn't have to spare, she grew impatient with every minute. The silence was deafening and the witch was getting nowhere. A loud clapping noise, disrupted Bonnie from her thoughts.

"Tick tock, Bonnie" an impatient Katherine demanded from across the room. A large sigh escaped Bonnie's lips, turning around to take in the sight of the vampire.

"Why do you want this person alive so badly?" A genuine question to put the pieces together. Katherine rolled her eyes at the antics.

"That's for me to know, and for you to regret. Now let's go" she moved her hands to signal the end of the conversation. Bonnie turned back around, closing her eyes, channeling the mystic energy around her. A cold breeze flowed through the room, a signal of connection. Bonnie opened her eyes, revealing the same room she left Katherine in. She searched the room to find a person standing where Katherine was. Quickly lifting to her feet, she walked closer to the figure.

"Are you who I'm looking for?" She questioned, hoping she hasn't stumbled upon an enemy.

"I hope so, or this will be very awkward" you replied, walking into the light. Bonnie had different expectations when it came to the person she was saving. Never in her wildest dreams would she picture you, the complete opposite of Katherine.

"I know what you're thinking" Bonnie raised her eyebrow, curious to see where this leads. "I'm nothing like Katherine, so why would she save me?" A small nod from Bonnie confirmed your words, a small smile playing on your lips. "It all come down to one thing"

"Fear?" Interjected Bonnie, confident in her answer. You offered a chuckle in response.

"It's a bit like that with her, isn't it? But not with me, love is the strongest emotion we share. Don't tell her I said that though, she will be pissed that I'm sharing the mushy stuff" it was Bonnie's turn to chuckle, knowing full well the wrath of an uncomfortable Katherine.

"Would you like to come back with me?" Bonnie raises her hands, encouraging you to take them

"If you don't mind" you took hold of her hands, feeling the power flow through you. Your next moment was in a world you had left behind. You could feel the blood pump through your veins, the fresh air filled your lungs.

"Did it work?" Katherine asked, pulling you out of your thoughts. A heart warming smile formed on your lips as you took in the appearance of the woman in front of you.

"I don't know, you tell me" Bonnie spoke, breaking the silence. She motioned over to you, which Katherine gladly looked towards. Before she had a chance to speak, you crashed your body against hers. Her hands tightly grabbed at your clothes, anchoring you to this world.

"I've missed you baby" Katherine breathed in the fresh scent of a person she thought she'd never see again.

"I missed you too" you sniffled, trying to hold back the tears. Katherine pulled back, gently wiping your fallen tears. Bonnie watched in awe, she was happily surprised by the display of affection. She just hoped that you would be able to keep Katherine on the right path and away from her friends.

"Let's go" you mentioned, taking hold of Katherine's hand. Katherine simply nodded before following your lead. Over your shoulder, you looked back a Bonnie. A whispered "thank you" was shared as Katherine was to proud to say it. Bonnie smiled in response, happy that you didn't turn out to be an evil entity.

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