Veronica Lodge: Seizures

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After the Vixens dropped to the floor in a fit of seizures, everyone was cautious. The atmosphere changed, everyone was looking behind their backs, keeping their distance between them and the infected. Careful steps were taken, no one knew who was going to be next. Except for the Man In Black, he called the shots, he chose the victims and sometimes his agenda would turn personal.

You were walking around the Lodge's apartment, looking at all the family photos. Admiring the once close knit family and how photogenic Veronica was. Hermione let you in on the way out, offering food and drinks as you wait for Veronica. All you could do was make yourself at home while you wait for cheer leading practice to finish. As you looked at one of the photos, your eyes grew fuzzy and your head began to spin. You sat down, taking a sip of your water, taking deep breaths to calm down. An acid feeling began to rise in your throat and you choked on the taste. Your eyes closed and everything went black, all you could hear were the screams of Veronica before you hit the ground.

"Y/N, Y/N! Stay with me, fuck" She reached for her phone, her hands shaking as she dialled. An ambulance was dispatched immediately, all Veronica could do was hold you in her arms and pray that you will be alright.

They moved you to Riverdale General, where you lay unconscious. Veronica was by your side every step of the way, she felt guilty after all. A few days before when she woke up after her seizure, she overheard her parents talking. She knew they were the cause of the towns seizures and it just twisted her up inside knowing that she was partly to blame. What she couldn't wrap her head around was why her parents would want to harm you. The more she thought about it, the more questions she had. She needed answers and she needed them now. She quickly left the hospital and set her sights on her apartment. She raced home, barging through the front door.

"Mum! Dad! Where are you?" she yelled through the empty apartment

"Right here mija, what's wrong?" Hermione stepped out of the shadows, her voice laced with worry and guilt

"What the hell did you do to Y/N?" Veronica stood firmly with her hands on her hips and her eyes trained on her mother

"I don't know what you think we did but I can assure you we had nothing to do with it" She stepped closer to Veronica, placing her hand on her daughters shoulder. Veronica shrugged it off, showing distaste at the touch

"Another lie, really mother? I know its you and daddy that has been poisoning the town, I overheard you talking after my own seizure"

"Whatever you think you heard, could just be a side effect from the medicine they gave you" This time Hiram appeared next to his wife, weighing in on the situation

"I know what I heard and honestly I wouldn't put it past you. All I want to know is why would you do it to Y/N? Of all the people you could play with, why them?"

"If you want the truth, it's because they're not good for you mija. We wanted to send a warning, get them to back off for a while" Hiram's voice was gentle and cold, unnerving Veronica

"And you didn't stop to think about me in this decision? When I found them lying on the floor, exactly where you are standing, I could feel my heart break. I cried for hours after the ambulance left the apartment. It broke me. They have done everything for me, been there for me when you weren't, so how dare you take away something that I love." she began to sob, her breath became shaky, letting her emotions take control. Hermione was the first to approach, enveloping her daughter in a hug.

"I'm sorry Veronica, they should have never been part of the plan. From now on we will watch in silence and if we have a problem, we will come to you first" She placed a soft kiss on her forehead, reassuring her of her promise

"That's all I ask" Veronica relaxed into the hug, this time welcoming the touch of her mother. Hiram stood back and watched, annoyed at his wife's promise. He had already made up his mind, you were not good enough for his daughter and one day he would get her to see you for what you really are.

After the closure she received at home, she headed back to the hospital, just in time for you to wake up. Your eyes fluttered open, squinting at the harsh lights above you. You felt pressure on your hand, feeling the familiar hand enclose in yours. A smile appeared on your face as you breathed in her scent.

"Good morning my love" her voice was soft and sweet

"What happened Ronnie?" Your voice was croaky, squeaking at the end

"You had a seizure but no need to worry, you are perfectly healthy and they assured me it won't happened again" you weakly nodded your head, sighing in relief that you're safe. You thought she meant the doctors, little did you know that she was referring to her parents. Instead you held on to the girl you loved, blissfully unaware of the danger you were in.

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