Fallon Carrington: Oh Baby Baby

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Through tearful eyes, you scrambled for your phone. Your fingers mindlessly typed a number, anxiously waiting for a response.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice was heard through the speaker. Your body tensed at the sound, the thought of being an inconvenience weighed heavily on your mind. Before you had time to think, your words fell from your mouth

"Fallon, I don't know what to do" your voice squeaked, a heavy pressure on your chest

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Her sleepy voice was soon forgotten, it was quickly replaced by worry

"Please Fallon" was all you could say, feeling tired, your body slumped and your eyes began to sting. Tears escaping with each blink

"I'll be right there" was all you heard before the line went dead. It took no longer than 20 minutes for Fallon to reach your house. She let herself in, to her surprise you were sitting on the edge of the bed with your head in your hands. You felt the bed dip as she sat next to you, her arms instinctively wrapping around you.

"What happened?" Her voice was soft, a welcomed change from her usual demeanour

"I'm pregnant" you whispered, afraid of her reaction

"You're what?! When? How?" She raised her voice, not from anger but from shock.

"I don't know but I'm scared to death. I don't know what to do. I'm not ready to be a parent. How am I meant to take care of a child, if I can barely take care of myself?" You looked into her eyes. She reached for your hand and gave it a small squeeze.

"You'll have me, I'll be here for you every step of the way"

"Thank you Fallon" she placed a tender kiss on your head before pulling you closer to her. That was where you stayed for most of the night, only moving to lay down.
You and Fallon were sitting at the table, enjoying your delicious breakfast. When a question crossed your mind.

"I have a question to ask you" You blurted out between bites. It caught Fallon by surprise, she jumped at the sudden sound.

"And what would that be?" She raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow

"Are you the father?" Fallon spluttered out the juice she had been drinking. Coughing as it went down.

"Are you seriously asking this?" She wiped her mouth, now looking at you with big eyes

"I only ask because we had sex around the time this baby was conceived" she took a moment to compose herself

"I may be good but I'm not that good" you both laughed at the statement.
You searched the fridge for what seemed like the 50th time. You hoped that a tub of ice cream would appear when you opened the door. Sadly it did not and you were left hungry and upset. You moped around the house when you thought of a brilliant plan. You pulled out your phone and immediately messaged Fallon.

Come home, it's an emergency

Fallon 💕:
I'm on my way

You played on your phone as you waited for her to come home. You were too caught up in your ice cream craving that you didn't think of how Fallon would react. The front door opened and your head whipped towards the woman standing in the foyer.

"Okay, I'm here, what's the emergency?" She quickly walked over to you, looking you up and down with concern

"We ran out of ice cream" You pouted, thinking of the empty freezer in the kitchen

"Are you serious? You pulled me out of an important meeting, for ice cream?" Her hands were firmly placed on her hips, ready to discipline you

"I'm craving it so badly! Besides don't act like you wanted to be there, when you could be with all this" you ran your hands over your body, wriggling your eyebrows at her. A smile began to appear on her face as her features softened.

"Alright, I'll go get you some but you have to promise not to do this again" you knew she was all bark and no bite when it came to you. To say that you had Fallon wrapped around your finger was an understatement.

"Oh I promise" your face lit up and your eyes brightened. Fallon kissed you quick before asking one of her staff to go and buy some more ice cream.

"Don't forget the-"

"Chocolate chips, yeah I know" she rolled her eyes at you, turning back to her conversation
"I think my water just broke" You clutched your stomach

"What do I do? Who do I call?" Fallon went into a panic, pacing the floor

"I don't know, but do something" her panic slowly rubbing off on you

"Fuck, just grab everything and let's go" she started to grab whatever she could find. She stopped and looked up at you.

"You're not very helpful in this situation, you're not doing anything" you knew it was her nerves but the sentence still hurt

"I am doing something, I'm having the god damn baby!" She finished packing a bag and started to help walk you downstairs. You finally arrived outside, one of Fallon's lavish cars waiting in the port. You walk towards the car, excited to be one step closer to the baby.

"Not that car" Fallon firmly commented behind you. Hands on her hips, standing her ground.

"Are you serious Fallon? It's just a car" you turned around in disbelief

"I don't want baby juice all over it" you both scrunched your faces in disgust

"Right now the baby is on its way and you're worried about a car" you used your hands to weigh up the situation

"You're right" she quickly nodded her head, putting everything in the car, including you.
"Isn't he beautiful Fallon?" You looked between the two loves of your life, full of happiness

"Just like his mother" Fallon winked before turning her attention to the baby

"What should we call him?" All this time and you hadn't thought of a baby name

"I think that decision is for you, after all you are his mother" you sat quietly, flipping through all the names you could think of. Then it came to you, a short but strong name.

"Let's call him, Aidan Carrington. He's as much mine as he is yours" she was shocked by the name, looking down at you with her mouth slightly agape and her eyes a few sizes bigger. She soon buried that emotion, with love.

"I love you little Aidan" she lent down and kissed him on the cheek, then doing the same to you
After a restless night with Aidan, both of you slumped on the bed, exhausted. A few seconds went by before Fallon broke the silence.

"I never asked, why did you choose Aidan?" She rolled over to face you, giving you all her attention

"It means fiery, and if he's anything like you, then the name will suit him perfectly" a big grin formed on your face as you watched Fallons smile grow bigger.

"Let's just hope he doesn't inherent the crazy part of this family" you both laughed at the statement that could very well come true.

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