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"Elena"Elijah said as he approached her waiting in a bar.

"Elijah...thank you...for meeting me..."she said with sparkling eyes.
"So...what brings you here?" he asked.

"Is there somewhere more private we can talk?" she said.

"Of course. Please." he said intrigued.

She followed him.
They got into a house not far from the bustling Bourbon street.

"I must say I was very suprised to receive your call. How can I be of help." he said looking at her charmingly.

Elena gulped a bit,
"Ok...this will sound weird...maybe not...ahm...I have a favour to ask...it's kind of personal..."
"Personal?!" he uttered.

He was eager to know more.

"I need you to...ahm...uncompel me."
His eyes looked at her surprised at the unusual request. She then explained what had happened and how she had Alaric compel her to forget Damon and their relationship.

"It was stupid thing to do... but...It made me go mad... but... this is not me...wasn't me... ever since I turned I have not coped well with all my emotions...it"s so hard...and I don't get it... I used to be so clear about things when I was human."

He listened attentively. He knew what it was like. You seemed to be the same, but all was enhanced and the cravings for blood could override everything, and if you could not control it, all would have been a blur in a moment.

"I undetstand."he said. "But why me. Alaric can do it. "

"There is this thing. I am trying to work through it all and find my balance...and Bonnie found out...that...the one that is kindred can help me... I don't know if ...and how...but ahm...it turns out...YOU are the kindred one... plus you are an Original, so"

"What?" he uttered.

"This is mad...I know...but magic says so...and Bonnie tried several times to figure it out...and everytime...it was you, Elijah"

He now recalled the last moments of their conversation in the Lockwood house when they discussed Katherine. In one moment it felt like she reached in his soul and could read it all that was in there.

"Fine..."-he said.
"You will do it?!"- she stated.
"Of course..."-he said-"I welcome your wish to work through all...people, vampires...we all can fall...and get lost...but it is important wanting to find the way back to ones true self ..."
She sighed.

"I so want to deal with it all...to understand all my feelings... how I could fall for a guy that had no problem snapping the neck of my brother because he couldn't take rejection."

"Yes... all right...are you ready?"-he said.
"I am."-Elena said.

Elijah now focused his look onto hers.
"Elena.."- he uttered and before he continued and like in a dream, the both felt like they passed through windows into one another's souls.

Then he said-"it is done...close your eyes and open them."

She did. Then moved slightly away. The overwhelming emotions took over for a moment. He waited to see what her reaction would be.
Like Bonnie explained, if it worked...the she would quickly feel like it all made sense.
"Elena...are you all right..."- he neared her.
She looked at him with teary eyes.
"I am... huh... I am..."
"Good.... .it all came back, I persume...?!"-he said.
"It did... but... and somehow...it's ok... yeah... thank you..."-she said.

"There is no need to thank me." he looked at her trying to communicate something she already knew was there.

They were both quiet. Silence saying so much. There was so much inside of her like a tornado that crushed from all sides.Then she said abruptly, "I have to go- you know."

"I do" he said and smiled a little. Before she walked out of the house she turned around and looked at him once again. He looked at her as to say- ok.

In the car on the way back to Mystic Falls, Bonnie and Elena chatted away about what had happened, how she felt about it all.

"It was like he talked to me... it wasn't just like a command," Elena said, " he so understood...and... I felt...like everything is all right... like... we suffered the same... and then..."

Elena went quiet.

"What then?"- Bonnie wanted to know.

"it's like you ignore the bad...and you think that your love will fix it... I could see it in him too"

"Yeah, he loved Katherine" Bonnie then said.

"Exactly," Elena then said dreamily, "looking for the good boy under the facade of a monster"

"What?" Bonnie said.

"Nothing...I will be fine..." Elena then said smiling.

"You and Elijah soulmates" the witch said, "still can't get over that"

Her friend could see that Elena was deep in her thoughts.

"What else happened?"

"Nothing", Elena assured her, "Feel drained"

Elena then closed her eyes.

"He loves me." she went back in her thoughts to the moment when he had looked at her when she was at the door.

In New Orleans

Elijah walked into the bar where Marcel was waiting for him.

"You are late." Marcel said.

"I had something to take care of." Elijah uttered and his mind wondered back to the house and Elena. His smiled a little.

"You look like you were somewhere else for a moment." Marcel then remarked.

"Really? What is going on?" Elijah now turned to the vampire.

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