In another lifetime

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"Hey there..."-a man came up to his wife giving her a peck and sat down next to her in a cafe-

"Hey..."-she said dearly-"you wouldn't believe what I had found in the library. I've been through the archives with the librarian about the will be amazed when you see this"

She took the book out of the bag and went through the pages to find the picture.

The man looked at it and then at his wife with his eyes completely astound.

"This cannot be..."-he muttered.

The picture was a drawing of two people standing in front of the house. It said Elena and Elijah Mikaelson, 1666.

"That's us!..."-the man uttered looking at his wife again.

"I know...when I first saw it...The librarian looked at me in the same way you look at me now. It's really spooky, don't you think?!...but that's us...I mean... how can that be?! ... We were together in anorher lifetime, too"-the woman said.

"Yeah... "-he then read the paragraph about the people on the drawing.

"Lina...remember when I told you that I almost didn't get to work the day we met..."-he now evoked the memory of the day he met his future wife.

"Yes... I heard it a million times... and a voice in your head told you that you have to go even though you were feeling the flu coming was like a force from above...It was so romantic...."

"It was fate... "-the man said.

"It's like universe had a plan...I mean what were the chances for us to buy this house, Niel?! other was right... and this felt so at home... when I heard stories that everyone in this world had a double...I "

"Now we can prove it..."

I wonder if they were exactly like us..."-the woman said-"I mean, not just in looks...I hope they had the same love we do...maybe also a great story..."

"They look happy"-he said.

Several days later, as they were doing some reconstructions in the attic, a workman called them up to show them a mysterious red door that was closed off with a wall. Both Niel and Lina went in.

"Look...the drawing"-Lina said. The drawing was on top of the chest"...and chest of drawers..."

Niel opened the drawers. In there they found a box adorned with small shells. Lina opened it and there were two notebooks in leather covers. She opened one and read -"this is the diary of Elena Gilbert..."-and then read on-" soon to be Mikaelson!"

Niel then said-"I have his diary..."

"Wow..."-Lina said-"all this time... this was here ... and nobody found it..."

"And how about the drawing in the book from the library?..."

"Oh...they found that among the artist's diary... this one is in ink..."-Lina said.

They went on reading the diaries.

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