Chapter One

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Flashback: Hawkins Lab. August 13th, 1975

"I don't want to!" You shouted, clenching your fists. "I'm tired and I always get nose bleeds!"

The man that called himself your 'papa' got down on one knee, making himself as close to eye level as possible. "Zero, we talked about this." His hand turned your wrist upwards. What he was doing didn't hurt, but you didn't like the way he was touching you. He never touched you in a bad way though. He looked down, his fingers grazing the tattoo on your left arm that read 000. "You cooperate, and you won't be put in the bad room again."

You had swallowed hard at the thought of the room. They would lock you there for days on end, starving you until you decided to do what they asked.

"Is that what you want?" His sunken dark eyes stared into your youthful (y/e/c) ones.

You shook your head. "No, Papa." You would have done everything in your power to stay out of the bad room.

"That's what I thought." He took your small face in his hand. "Now, Zero, my little masterpiece, make Papa proud and show us what you can do."

You just nodded. He smiled and stood up, offering you his hand. Your gut was telling you not to take it, but your mind knew better. You were smart for a nine year old, but despite your young age, you had experience. Your hand found its way to his, and he led you to one of the training rooms.

You did the usual; sat down, put the wires on your head, and waited. Papa smiled down at you, and then left the room. In front of you was a large mirror, though it wasn't really one. You could see yourself, but the people on the other side couldn't be seen by you.

To your right, a short white haired man in a lab coat brought in a few empty cans. They were white and red, and had the word Coke printed on it. The man left without a word because he along with you knew what you had to do. It was the first step of every day. Wake up, brush your teeth, shower, comb your hair, get taken to this very room, and then a few others to practice with our other powers, and also combat, then by the end it was time for you to study basic things that normal kids learned in school, you were so tired.

With only your mind, you lifted one can in front of you, and set it down. They wanted you to crush it without moving, you knew that, but you were so tired. You never actually slept, you couldn't. It was a rare occasion.

"Zero, we talked about this." Papa's voice came through the speaker in the room.

You just wanted to be normal. Since birth you had been at the lab, tested on and poked at with everything they had. Their first mistake was telling you about the outside world. They should have known at one point, you would rebel.

"I-" You cut yourself off. "Papa, I don't want to." Tears started to sting your eyes.

"This or the bad room, Zero. Your choice." Papa said sternly.

With a sigh, you did what was expected; crushed the can with only your mind. No blood came from your nose though. You had been getting stronger. To end it quickly, you crushed the rest at once. Still no blood.

"Good girl, Zero." Papa spoke as you took off the wires.

After a few minutes, Papa came into the room and offered you his hand. Again, you took it, he led you out of the room, and into the next one. This time you were sat in front of another subject. He was maybe thirty and not that scary. His default expression seemed to be set to 'angry but not too angry'.

"Zero, tell us what he is thinking about." Papa ordered softly.

You silently sighed. You channeled that waves as you always did. You weren't completely sure how you learned how to do this, but now it just comes naturally.

"Three cats, two parrots, six dogs, one elephant." His thoughts spoke to you as if he was talking to you.

"Three cats, two parrots, six dogs, one elephant." You recited the man's list.

"Perfect, Zero. Now, take control of his mind." Papa said.

Mind control was the one ability you knew you had, but could never control. It mostly happened when you were frightened to the point of no return. You would command whoever was closest, and they would do as you said. If you could control it, you'd be gone by now.

"Zero!" Papa was becoming irritated by your hesitation.

You focused on the man, taking in his thoughts. The more you focused, the louder his thoughts became. At this point, your nose was bleeding, you could feel it, but you didn't want to disappoint Papa. If you did, he would have you tied to a table and tested on some more.

Your head started hurting. It felt like someone was stabbing your brain with needles. The pain became too much, so you stopped trying. "Papa, I-I can't." You said, completely defeated.

"We'll just have to get back to the testing room, I suppose." Papa said and then came through the door. He walked to you and picked you up, your nose still bleeding.

Your brain was still trying to recover. Controlling someone's mind was always the ability that took the most energy out of you. Hopefully, one day you'll be able to control all of your powers, and get out of the lab.

Experiment 000: Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now