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Dani's POV

My mum was taking me and Ana to the concert. We were leaving in about an hour so we could get in as soon as possible. So after we got ready we headed downstairs and are breakfast. I had cornflakes and Ana had toast. It took us about 15 minutes to eat or breakfast because we kept fangirling at ourselves which caused us to slow down.

An hour passed by and we were ready to go. It was only going to take half an hour to get to the venue which wasn't bad at all. I heard some people were travelling miles to get to this concert which I felt pretty bad for them but oh well.

We got in the car, my mum sat in the drivers seat and me and Ana in the back. We put on our Believe CD and headed off. We jammed out to Justin on our journey there which passed the time so quickly.

"We're here!" my mum shouts over the music and we start to scream. As soon as the car stops me and Ana rush out saying goodbye to my mum. Barely anyone was here. It's now 9:00am and the show doesn't start until 6:00pm so we had a long wait. Urg.

*9 hours ahead*

"Ana! It's time to go in!" I squeal and we both start freaking out. The doors were opened and we gave the man our tickets and ran to our seat. I swere we are going to loose our voiced by the end of this concert. Oh well it was worth it.

About an hour later when all the fans were in their seats the concert began.

"Hellooooooooo Everybody!" the announcer said.

"Scream if your excited!" he said. Obviously everyone screamed.

"I'm happy to introduce.... Mr......JUSTIN BIEBERRRRR!"he announced and the whole crowd went crazy. Justin runs on stage and my heart drops. I was so overwhelmed.

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