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Dani's POV *After the shower*

Me and Justin laid in the bed next to each other as the blankets covered us. Lets just say the shower didn't exactly go to planned. Me and Justin turn to face each other at the same time. He grabs my hips and pulls me closer.
"I love you" he whispers, still a little out of breathe,
"I love you too" I say pecking him on the lips. I lie in the bed for a little while then decide to get up. I get up and go have a shower to refresh myself, this time not getting interrupted by Justin. I finish in the shower and get changed into the outfit I chose earlier. I then quickly dry my hair and leave it natural. I don't bother to put make up on either.
I walk back into the bedroom to see Justin still lead on the bed but now has boxers on. He is on his phone. I lie on him and face him.
"What are we doing today then?" I ask him grabbing his phone.
"This" he says rolling us over and kissing me. I pull away from the kiss and say
"Fine by me" and then we both lean in again.
Sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be longer I promise
~Chloe xoxo

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