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Justin's POV

Last night.... was, well. Eventful. I looked over to my right to see Dani still fast asleep. I kissed her on the forehead then got up, putting on my sweats and going downstairs. I decided I would make breakfast for us seeing that I thought I would make her feel special today. I never really told her how much I lover her. So I thought I would show my One Less Lonely Girl that she is mine forever.

I went into the kitchen and got out some pancake min and a frying pan. I turned on the hob and started to make them.

Dani's POV

I wake up to the smell of something delicious. I open my eyes fully to see that Justin isn't by my side. I wonder what he's up to. I stretch and get up putting on my underwear and Justin's shirt. I then head downstairs and walk into the kitchen. I see Justin making breakfast. Shirtless I may add. I was up behind him and wrap my arms around his torso, slightly feeing his abs. he turns round smiling.

"Good morning beautiful he says pecking me on the lips.
"Morning" I reply.
"Is pancakes okay for breakfast?" he asks me rubbing his hands up and down my sides gently.
"Yeah, sounds great" I say pecking him on the lips before walking to the dinner table. 10 minutes later Justin walks in my the pancakes and I start to get excited.

"Here you go" he says benign down slightly and placing the golden pancakes in front of me.
"Thank you baby" I say pecking him on the lips and digging in to my food. 15 minutes later me and Justin are finished with breakfast and I insist that I wash the dishes.

I walk into the kitchen and fill up the sink with warm water and bubbles. I start to wash them when I feel a pair of arms wrap round my waist. I smirk and turn round to face a golden chest. I smile and look up to where our eyes meet.

"Want to go for a swim in the pool today? Maybe i could invite a couple of friends over too" he asks me.
"Maybe, I will decide later" I say smirking knowing that it will frustrate him when he doesn't get a straight answer. He smirks also and lifts me up over his shoulder and running outside to the pool. I suddenly feel the coldness shock my body. I swim up to the surface to see a laughing Justin.

"Looks like we are swimming today then" I say swimming over to the side to get out.

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