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Dani's POV

Today me, Lexi and Emma were going to have a girls day while Justin and Ryan hung out. I was pretty excited because I had never hung out with them before and I also couldn't wait to go shopping.

Justin had already left as it was 12:00 and I was still in bed. I decided to get up and get ready as they were picking me up in an hour. I didn't need to shower because me and Justin had one last night. If you know what I mean 😉.

I got out of bed and did a little stretch before walking to the bathroom. I did my business and then went back into the bedroom to get my outfit. I chose a white crop top with some grey washed out jean shorts. I then got a tartan flannel to go with it. I also got my underwear and headed back into the bathroom. I changed into my outfit and then did my usual routine. Brushed my teeth, washed my face, put on my make up, brushed my hair and then styled it. Today I straightened it and put it into a pony tail. I was actually proud of my outfit today. Then I grabbed my converse and my phone and bag and headed downstairs.

I made some breakfast, which was a poptart and some orange juice. I finished it pretty quickly. I then heard a car horn outside. I'm guessing it's the girls. I grabbed the spare house key and headed out. I waved to the girls who were in the car and got in.

"Hey girl! You ready to do some shopping?" Emma said.
"YES!" I say and we all scream. Lexi turns up the radio as we all buckle up. This is going to be the best day ever.

*At the Shopping Mall*

We had just got to the mall and we had already been to Starbucks. I promise we aren't white girls. Okay maybe that was a lie. We then went into Forever 21 and they had loads of nice clothes. We then went into some other stores and got some stuff. We walked out of a shop and decided to get some food from a cafe. We walked round the corner and Lexi and Emma started to freak out.

"What's up?" I ask them.
"It's Ryan. He's so cute" Lexi says.
"Wait. What?" I look to see Ryan and Justin sat over on a bench. How are they not surrounded by fans and paparazzi. Oh well.
"Oh I know him. Obviously I do. Justin's my boyfriend" I say casually.
"Wait what?! Justin is your boyfriend! We never knew. Lexi has a crush on Ryan" Emma says giggling while Lexi was staring at them.
"Well let's go talk to them" I say dragging them with me.

"Hey babe" I say sitting on Justin's lap and kissing his cheek.
"Hey! What are you doing here?" he says surprised.
"Well we saw you and Ryan so i thought I would come say hey. Anyways, Lexi, Emma, this is Ryan. Ryan this is Lexi and Emma" I say.
"Hey beautiful" Ryan says looking at Lexi. Lexi blushes and hides her face into Emma's shoulder.

For the rest of the day Justin and Ryan joined us and Lexi and Ryan were flirting pretty much all the time. They hit it off pretty well. Emma already had a boyfriend so she wasn't missing out on any boys. Today actually turned out pretty well. I actually think this was the first day in LA that was normal. But only 6 days left. Then I have to leave LA. I have to leave Justin.

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