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Dani's POV
"Who is she?" I ask him. He turns to face me. Still silent. I wait for his answer.
"She's my ex" he says looking down breaking eye contact. I started to get angry.
"Your what?!" I say raising my voice a little.
"My ex" he clarifies.
"Why did you kiss her?" I question making him look back up at me.
"I didn't" he replies.
"You were obviously kissing her. If you weren't kissing her then what were you doing" I say proving my point.
"I didn't kiss her. She kissed me Dani! I promise. You have to believe me" he says.
"Do you like her?" I ask.
"No. Not anymore" he looks me right in the eye to prove he was telling the truth.
"Then why did you both kiss? And why the hell was it on TV?".
"She kissed me! The paparazzi were following me as I was walking to my car and she walked past me and stopped me and then she kissed me off guard and the paparazzi got it. I pushed her right off me I swear" he says truthfully. He continues and I listen "I only love you Dani. You're the only one I have truly loved and I hope you are the only one I will ever love. Please Dani. Believe me" he says looking down.
I go over to him and kneel in front of him. I lift up his chin with my fingers. I place a small kiss on his lips to show I had forgiven him. We both stand up and he embraces me in a big hug. His face nuzzled into my neck.
"I thought I would have lost you because of her" he mumbles.
"You will never loose me I promise" I reply. We remove ourselves from the right embrace and he puts both of his hands on my cheeks. He leans in and plants another kiss on the lips. He parts and I smile. We hug again like we never wanted to let go. And it was true. I never want to let go.
Sorry for the short chapter! It also kinda sucks but I will make the next chapter longer and better I promise!
Follow me on twitter: @thetruthhurts99
~Chloe xoxo

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